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The Key Features Of Britax Frontier 85

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It is not uncommon for parents to cater the safety needs of their children as a passenger in a moving vehicle during travel. Vehicular Safety Standards for kids are set in most countries and states to secure the safety of travelling children. It is legally required in most destinations to appropriately restrain children in a specialized car seat; car seats vary with age, weight, and height. These child passenger seats are highly recommended to provide children the maximum possible protection from any form of injury in an event of a car crash. Britax, the leading and trusted innovators of child safety travel products, brings Britax Frontier 85.

Britax is one of the leading brands that creates safe, quality, smart, and functional child safety products. They are the masters in engineering specialized strollers, baby carriers, and car seats that are best when travelling with your little ones. Their brilliant performance for over 40 years has gained them the reputation of being the pioneer in child passenger safety.

Britax Frontier 85 is a Combination-2-Booster car seat for children. It is used as a front-facing 5-point harness seat but can be converted into a booster seat for your child's later years. The front-facing mode is for children who are at least 2 years old, in between 25-85 pounds heavy, and around 30-57 inches in height. The booster seat mode is generally for kids around 40-120 pounds heavy and with 42-65 inches in height.

The booster seat mode of Britax Frontier 85 is liberated from the integrated 5-point harness. The booster seat will have to make use of the car's shoulder and lap seat belts to act as restraint. The booster seat will elevate the child to allow the seat belts to fit firmly across the child's chest and lap.

Britax Frontier 85 is one of the leading products created for child passenger safety. Britax's developing innovations in design and performance brings the best functional car seats for children. Their specialization of engineering safe and quality products have captivated many parents. Some of the advanced safety features of Britax Frontier 85 are the following:

1. True Side Impact Protection - The headrest of this seat is created with an extra layer of foam that is energy-absorbent. The head restraint will keep the head, neck, and spine of the child in true alignment to contain the child. The side paddings are also equipped with energy-absorbent foams, which can distribute crash force and shield the child in an event of a crash.

2. Highest 5-Point Harness Seat Capacity - The maximum weight capacity of Britax Frontier 85 is higher than other 5-point harness car seat. Children can stay in their front-facing 5-point harness seat until they're 85 pounds.

3. Quick Adjust Technology - Parents usually prefer to have an easy-to-use and user-friendly car seat for their children. This car seat's shoulder harness can be easily adjusted to snug appropriately to your child's body.

It is important for parents to watch over the safety of their children even while inside a moving car. The Britax Frontier 85 is a smart buy to cater to your child's growing safety needs.

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