Advice on Problem Teens
- One of the most important things to do is to establish boundaries. Set rules and expectations for your teenager. Let them know exactly what is expected of them and what is unacceptable behavior. All parents want to see their children happy, but that does not necessarily mean throwing all rules out of the door. Sometimes it doesn't feel like it but they will appreciate it in the long run.
- Teenagers can be very manipulative when it comes to wanting things their way. As parents we cannot waiver from our positions. Be firm with your child and follow through with the things that you have said. For example, don't threaten punishment for bad grades only to not enforce the punishment. Although there are times that we feel bad and want to show leniency, it will only serve to bring on later conflict when we get tired of the child not taking the rules seriously.
- Sometimes the "tragedies" in a teenager's life can seem so trivial to adults who are plagued with bigger problems. However, it is important to listen to their concerns and worries. Teenagers have their own way of doing things to get attention, including acting out. Teenagers may also turn to inappropriate behavior to seek attention from other places which could lead to drug and alcohol abuse, sexual acting out and hanging out with the wrong crowd. Unfortunately there is not an instruction manual when it comes to raising teenagers but being an active parent in your teenager's life can prove invaluable.
Set Rules and Boundaries
Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say