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Alternative Treatment of Brain Tumor - The Banerji Protocol of Treatment

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Prasanta Banerji and Dr.
Pratip Banerji of the Prasanta Banerji Homeopathic Research Foundation, Kolkata , India (PBHRF), have pioneered in evolving an unique system of treatment in Homeopathy, where specific medicines are administered for specific diseases.
This is something different from Classical Homeopathy.
Diseases are diagnosed using latest technologies, and medicines are prescribed accordingly.
Aptly named the Banerji Protocol of Treatment, this treatment procedure is the outcome of four decades of research activities.
The doctors have a prestigious lineage in dispensing Homeopathy treatment for four generations.
The social cause to help the needy always played an important role, which lead to the establishment of a charitable clinic in Kolkata, where around four hundred patients are treated daily.
The path breaking research initiatives of the doctors have lead towards safe and proven treatment of different varieties of malignant tumors, especially brain tumors, using a combination of Ruta graveolens and Calcaria Phosphorica 3X.
Case studies and a Best Case Series have proven time and again, that the combination helps in killing cancer cells, while activating the growth of normal cells.
Their research and the concurring results have established Homeopathy as a complete alternative solution for the treatment of malignant tumors and cancers.
The doctors have signed an agreement with the US-based National Cancer Institute's (NCI) Office of Cancer Complementary and Alternative Medicines (OCCAM), both being part of The National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, Maryland.
This agreement is the first ever tie up of its kind regarding the implementation of a Practice Outcomes Monitoring and Evaluations Systems Study (POMES) for lung cancer at the PBHRF's clinic in Kolkata.
A different milestone was achieved when in June 2007, the duo presented a paper on Possible Use of Ultra-Diluted Medicines For Health Problems During Lunar Missions at the Rutgers Symposium on Lunar Settlements.
Prasanta Banerji and Dr.
Pratip Banerji have given presentations at various international conferences in the US, Canada, Spain, Greece, Turkey, Portugal, and Argentina, among others.
Papers have been published in various international medical journals, including the International Journal of Oncology.
Their research and its results have sparked the development of self-help groups of tumor and cancer patients in USA and Spain , who continue taking medication at the doctors' instructions.
The patients keep in touch with the doctors through e-mails, and have even formed user groups among themselves to monitor the recovery patterns.
They are delivered medicines from the doctors' office against nominal charges.

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