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Preschool Michigan City Barker Woods Enrichment Center

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Barker Woods Enrichment Center

Childcare, preschool for children of all abilities, specializing in serving children with special needs. Also, provide pediatric occupational and speech therapy services for children. Services are geared toward people who work or live in LaPorte County.

We also have a volunteer-run program known as Angels in the Field to partner with local sports organizations to offer sports opportunities for children with special needs.

BWEC was started by a group of parents whose children were not welcomed in the public school system at that time (in the 1950s).
Providing literacy-based learning opportunities for children of all abilities in a safe, caring environment since 1950.

We are a place where children of all abilities are offered a literacy-based preschool program as well as a safe, inviting daycare environment, specializing in children with special needs, to serve as a community resource for parents of children with special needs, and to be the "go-to" place/community resource for information regarding children with special needs.

Fifty-five years ago there were no educational opportunities for special needs children in LaPorte County. In the late 1950's, Mrs. Norton Barker donated five acres of land to the Parents Council for the purpose of erecting a school for these children. Through the unique cooperation of parents, labor unions, local suppliers and community support the existing building was erected.
For the following two decades, The Center provided an environment of learning for these special children. Then the law changed and the public school incorporated the 3-5 year old children into their curriculum, leaving The Therapy Center serving only infants and toddlers who were experiencing developmental delays. National philosophy and laws also changed to make services family focused and move more of the services to the home. The need for high quality childcare services for children with special needs was identified. The decision to create a day care center was made in March 1999, and the Therapy Center became Barker Woods Enrichment Center. It remains, however, dedicated to serving the needs of those special children for which it was founded.

Contact us at or 219-872-6996

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