How to Make Cobwebs With Royal Icing
- 1). Cover the cake or cookie with a sheet of white royal icing.
- 2). Pipe a dab of black icing at the center of the cake or cookie. The round dab should be no more than 1/8 inch wide on a cookie, but can be larger on a cake top.
- 3). Pipe black royal icing in concentric circles about the center dab. You might need three to four circles atop a cookie or five to six atop a round cake.
- 4). Draw a toothpick through the black icing circles, from center to periphery at points representing 12 o'clock, 3 o'clock, 6 o'clock and 9 o'clock.
- 5). Draw a clean toothpick through the circles, from periphery to center at the midpoints between each pair of the original toothpick strokes. Serve and enjoy the delighted giggles of your guests.