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The State of Fatherhood 2003

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Calendar Year 2003 has been a year of reaffirmation for Married Fathers, Divorced Fathers, "Stay-At-Home" Fathers, "Long Distance" Fathers, Single Fathers, Custodial Fathers and Non-Custodial Fathers. 

It has been a year in which Fatherhood has become an international concern.  In the courts and at the ballot box --  individually and collectively -- Men who are Fathers throughout our global village are reaffirming their importance in family life and in society and redefining legislation and public policy as it relates to Fatherhood.

  In the process, they are redefining Fatherhood.  Men who are Fathers are not merely warriors, breadwinners and "wallets."  Men are nurturers, caregivers and mentors.  Men are not emotionless automatons - they love and give love.  And Men have issues and needs. 

Let's take a look at what has been happening in the lives of Men who are Fathers throughout global village this year.
  • In a federal question lawsuit filed against his former wife and the Champaign County Court of Common Pleas, Michael Galluzzo has asked the Federal District Court in Ohio to decide whether state law as it is currently written violates a parent's - in this case - a Father's right to raise children without state interference.  Galluzzo is challenging the decisions of Ohio courts which, in essence, state that parental rights are arbitrary and that the involvement of both parents in a child's life is not important.  A decision in this groundbreaking case is being awaited.  If the federal court rules in Galluzo's favor, his victory will be a victory for Non-Custodial Fathers throughout the United States.  

  • On 10 June 2003, J Records releases a CD -- "Dance With My Father" -- written, produced and recorded by internationally acclaimed vocalist Luther Vandross.  Sales for the CD climb to a record-setting 422,000 within one week of its release.  The title song of the CD "Dance With My Father" quickly becomes the National Anthem for Father and affirms the importance and impact of Fathers.
  • On Father's Day - Sunday, 15 June 2003 - Men who are Fathers staged a worldwide "Million Dads March."  On that day, in Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the United States, the United Kingdom, Italy, Israel, Jamaica and Kenya staged Men took to the streets to celebrate Fatherhood and to let the world know that they have unique parenting and health needs which need to be addressed. 
  • On 11 August 2003, best-selling author and Fathers' and Men's Rights issues activist Warren Farrell, Ph.D. entered the California Gubernatorial Recall Election where ran on a "Fathers' Rights" platform.
  • In September 2003, the Indiana Supreme Court approved major changes in the manner in which child support payments are collected in the State of Indiana.  These changes, which will take effect on 1 January 2004, apply to future custody arrangements and will give Non-Custodial Fathers a financial incentive to see their children more often.  According to an article published in Indiana's News-Sentinel " . . .  the more time non-custodial parents spend with their children, the less money they would pay the custodial parent in child support."
  • Thirty-six year old David Chick caused quite a stir in London, England when he staged a week-long sit-in on a 120-foot crane which resulted in Tower Bridge Road being closed to traffic and pedestrian after he was denied access to his four year old daughter.
  • The first meeting of the Commission on the Status of Men was convened on Friday, 31 October 2003 in Concord, New Hampshire. 

The Year 2003 has been a year of change and reaffirmation for Men who are Fathers.  But much work remains to be done.  Men who are Fathers throughout our global village from all Walks of Life still do not enjoy total access to adequate health care and preventive health and medical information.  More research and research funding is needed for men in the areas of diabetes, prostate cancer and heart disease.  More resources and support services are needed for Men who are Fathers and they have greater access to these resources and support services.  Men still do not receive equitable treatment in the courts in child custody and child support matters. 

Yes, Year 2003 has been a year of positive change for Men who are Fathers, but much work remains to be done. 

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