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Create a Life in Which Work Is Fulfilling

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Daily Spiritual Insight from the Story of The Little Prince The story of the businessman who is preoccupied with counting his money on the fourth planet the Little Prince visits brings us to the question of what use to others our life is.
Are we contributing to others in a way that enriches their lives? We live in a world in which, particularly in the West, so much of what we do revolves around amassing not only enjoyable material goods but also fortunes stashed away.
In many cases people want to be rich so they won't have to work.
Many people go to work only because it's what brings them money to buy the lifestyle they prefer.
They would rather not work.
Because the world runs on money, not a love of our humanity, work for millions upon millions-billions, actually-is drudgery.
It's a miserable existence.
They are doing jobs they have no interest in but that they do because they have to pay their way.
The real reason to work isn't for money, even though in our present world money is necessary.
The reason to work is because we are excited by what we have discovered about ourselves in terms of our passion for life.
We would then work as a means of expression our essential being.
If we worked in this way, we would find ourselves spontaneously contributing to others through utilizing our gifts.
Work that's fulfilling is inevitably a means of being creative in a way that's helpful to others.
If money weren't the driving force, and instead we put the wellbeing of humans ahead of everything, the world could be structured so that work isn't burdensome, but joyous and exciting.
We could create a world that's geared to unleashing everyone's potential, supporting them in developing their essential being and how each creatively expresses themselves.
We can't wait for someone to design an ideal society in which all are valued and their abilities harnessed in a fulfilling manner.
Rather, the Little Prince teaches us we have to begin in our own personal situation with all the little tasks that make up our life.
Even if we can't do what we prefer during our workday at the office or factory, we can bring our caring and creativity to all of life's requirements.
A sage between two and three thousand years ago penned these wise words: "Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might.
" Each day on his planet, the Little Prince did things that were useful to others.
He owns a flower, he explains, which he watered every day.
He also owns three volcanoes that he raked out every week.
He even raked out the extinct volcano-that's what you call "doing it with your might.
" He put heart and soul into his little life.
It's with this caring tending to the tasks of everyday existence that we begin to experience our love of life, which always leads to a greater awareness of our worth and our creative potential.
More on this and how it applies to our present everyday experience at work tomorrow.

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