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What Social Factors Effect Child Rearing?

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    • Research consistently shows that highly educated parents are able to provide more benefits for their children's development. Some of these are material, as higher educational attainment generally translates to greater earning power. Others are more subtle. More educated parents are likely to have more verbal interaction with their young children, an important factor in early development. They're also more invested in providing their children with quality education and supplemental activities, such as music lessons and museum visits than parents with less education.


    • Possibly the second most important social factor in child rearing is the family's income. While it is certainly possible to raise a family successfully on very little money, it is more difficult. Poorer families have difficulty providing good health care, enriching activities, a safe neighborhood and quality schools. Parents struggling with financial problems are parents under stress. Their conflicts distract them from focusing on their children, and if the marriage is troubled, family instability has a negative impact as well. If both parents are gone frequently, or if one parent is absent entirely, it's easier for children to fall into drug use, crime and early sexual activity.

    Social Class

    • Closely related, but not completely defined by economics, is the concept of social class. Parents' social class often helps determine the aspirations they have for their children, the leisure activities they engage in and the schools and occupations they envision for their children. Upper- and middle-class children often have a sense of entitlement -- they expect good things out of life. While this can lead to some rude awakenings, it also encourages them to strive for and demand better conditions, both for themselves and often for others less fortunate.

    Parental Influence

    • The most important influence on a child's development, however, is that of the parents. One might argue that a person with a high level of education or income determines if he lives a happy, productive life. Whether he is curious, empathetic, exercises self-discipline, is resilient, able to negotiate conflict and handle the challenges of life has a great deal to do with the training he receives from his parents. Of three parenting styles, authoritative, authoritarian and permissive, authoritative parenting, which balances high expectations with support and responsiveness to the child's needs, has better outcomes than parenting that is too authoritarian or permissive. It is tremendously important that both boys and girls have an involved father as well as a mother. With the guidance of loving, but not over-indulging, parents, every child has the chance to reach a successful adulthood.


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