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How To Live Your Life

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"Live your life!" - one advice you'll never stop hearing from your friends and family.
What is living your life stand for anyway?
The one thing you always hear from your family, your friends and people who care about you in general is: "Live your life!".
But I've had some trouble in figuring out what living your life is..
How can you do that without knowing what is it that you are supposed to do in your life? Live your life = Do something crazy? Some might say that this motto is supposed to make you understand the whole "Carpe Diem" stuff.
Seize the moment, do something without thinking about the consequences, act re-actively instead of thinking things over.
They say you have the most fun when you do something absolutely crazy, something you would have never thought yourself able to do.
In my opinion, that issue has two sides:
  • on one side, there's the adrenaline
  • on the other side, there are the possible regrets
For some people, in some cases it is very hard not to think about the fact that you might have stepped over your principles, values, etc.
I wouldn't always go for that "Carpe Diem" thing so literally.
Live your life = Never rest? For others, living your life is being constantly busy, not having time to sit your bottom down for a moment during the day.
Taken to the extremes, some decide that they have enough time to sleep when they are dead and neglect their rest so, so much.
I agree, resting isn't the most important or fun thing to do, but sometimes, even that is necessary.
So what does living your life mean? In my opinion, living your life is neither doing all the crazy stuff, rest deprivation, "carpe diem", or other stuff like that.
It's about feeling alive.
As long as you feel happy, alive, with a strong will to enjoy your life and get up in the morning, you are living your life.
All the little things, that in the end will make you smile..
Those are the factors of a life well lived.
Someone said, "It's not the years in your life that matter, but the life in your years".
How you live each and every day of your life will eventually affect your life as a whole.
Life isn't about living perfectly, it's about going up and down as much as possible, so in the end, when you'll stretch the string, your life will seem to have lasted so much longer.
What does living your life mean to you?

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