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How to Host a Long Distance Baby Shower

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In today's world of constant movement we rarely live in the same neighborhood, let a lone the same city as many of our close family and friends.
If a loved one has announced a pregnancy and you want to be involved in the celebration, consider planning a long distance baby shower.
There are several ways you can go about hosting a long distance baby shower: Online Baby Showers Online baby showers are beginning to grow in popularity.
With most households today having at least one computer, the majority of people are familiar with email, message boards and web pages.
If you and the expectant parents are comfortable with a computer consider creating a web page in honor the impending addition to the family.
You can upload pictures, send invitations, create a message board, participate in live chats and even announce the birth.
This is a great way for family and friends to participate and share in the joy with the expectant parents.
Videotaped Baby Shower If your expectant parents-to-be live far from family and friends and won't be able to attend a shower, consider hosting a celebration without them.
This idea may seem odd at first, but video taping loved ones together to celebrate in the couples joy can be a lot of fun.
Your parents-to-be will cherish the video for years to come and later share it with their child.
Ideas for your video: Dress The Part: Have a family member or friend dress up as the expectant mother to open the gifts.
She could even add a pillow to look the part! Share Memories: Ask you guests to take a moment to tape a special message to the expectant couple.
They can share some parenting advise, a story of when one of them was a newborn or a simple of message of joy for the couple's impending parenthood.
Make it a Real Shower: Play shower games, have favors, food and cake! Make it a true baby shower.
Web Cam Baby Shower If you have the on-line capabilities, look into setting up a web cam shower.
You can host your shower and set up a web cam to catch all the action.
Whether it's your expectant parents, or family and friends who cannot attend, this is a new high-tech way of participating in the celebration.
This is a special time for your expectant parents.
They will appreciate the effort and love of family and friends when a long distance shower is made in their honor.

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