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How to Be a Normal Eater

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In today's society we are constantly bombarded with weight loss tips, new diets and programs to lose weight.
Becoming a normal eater is something that is often even frowned upon.
We are told what to eat, how to lose weight and yet the facts are that up to 98% of diets fail.
Isn't it time that we reconsider our approach and try a different way to reconnect to our own hunger and not be guided by an external eating plan that almost inevitably results in failure.
What is a normal eater? A normal eater can be described s someone who used their own hunger and satiety cues to decide what they want to eat, when they want to eat and how much.
A popular term being used for this is intuitive eating and there is a lot of information about the benefits of intuitive eating Why we have become disconnected from our bodies Our over reliance on diets, our $60 billion diet industry and all of their marketing efforts have convinced us that we cannot listen to out own bodies and that following a rigid eating plan is the only thing that works.
However, the problem with this is that these strict eating plans leave us starving, deprived and ultimately to binge eating.
The overeating that results is probably one of the major causes of the obesity epidemic.
Normal Eating replaces diets Normal eating is a way to replace the diet mentality and learn to have a healthy relationship with food and our bodies.
Our bodies are very intuitive and if given the opportunity can be restored to balance where they have the wisdom to tell us what to eat, how much and when.
The problem is that many of us are too terrified of even giving normal eating a try, and so we go for yet another diet that ultimately disappoints us.
How to become a normal eater The best way to become a normal eater is to practice.
Make a list of the food that you actually like, and try adding the m daily to the things that you eat.
There are no rules with intuitive eating; you really can have anything that you want.
But start off slow, as you may become overwhelmed with the anxiety of eating things that have been "forbidden" for so long Tips and Suggestions
  • Be patient with yourself
  • Eat out and order things that you actually like
  • Keep a journal of your progress
  • Eliminate diet magazines and anything else that can be triggering
  • Ask other people that have a healthy relationship with food what they eat
  • Start slow and be gentle with yourself
  • Believe that it is possible to be a normal and intuitive eater again
If you have been struggling with fad diets, restriction, eating plans and other weight loss attempts that do not work, perhaps it is time to try becoming a normal eater.
Learn to get in touch with your body's natural hunger and satiation signals for effective long term health.

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