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About Manners

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    • The use of manners is important because it demonstrates politeness and refined behavior. A person with good manners shows respect, compassion and care for people and their environment. When someone uses their manners they are thought to be considerate. Manners make interactions pleasant and give others a good overall impression of someone.


    • The many types of manners include table manners, business manners and social etiquette. Table manners are the unwritten rules of acceptable dining behavior. These include chewing with your mouth closed, using the proper utensils, keeping elbows off of the table and asking for items to be passed to you, rather than reaching across the table to get them yourself. Business manners set the standards for professional interactions. Some of these standards govern proper phone behavior and interactions with customers. Social etiquette includes holding the door open for someone, closing the door behind you when entering an establishment if you are the last one to pass through, saying "please" and "thank you" when interacting with others and covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. Being polite and courteous to others in all regards is what all types of manners have in common.


    • It's important to evaluate the group of people you are with when using your manners. As St. Ambrose said in 387 AD, "When in Rome, do as the Romans do." In some cultures, like those in India, it may be acceptable to eat with your hands, while in other cultures, like in the eastern part of the U.S., it would be considered bad manners. The best thing to do when trying to use manners around unfamiliar groups is to follow the lead of those native to the culture.


    • Like the old saying goes, "You'll catch more flies with honey than vinegar." It's human nature to respond more favorably to someone who appears to be polite and courteous. When manners are used, you're likely to be well-received and to get treated with the level of kindness that you put forth.


    • As technology expands, so does the need for etiquette regarding its use in these new venues. In recent years, text messaging and e-mailing has resulted in the development of electronic etiquette. As new forms of communication emerge, there will be a need to set the standard for how interactions are conducted when using them and a separate set of manners will be developed for their use. In addition, as manners change from year to year with each new generation, there will be a set of acceptable manners that are put into use. Columnists, authors and etiquette specialists will continue to help define trends in manners and etiquette.


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