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What Is Up With Purposely Infecting Children With Chicken Pox?

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Although it might seem like a new idea to us, having something like a Chicken Pox party is something that mothers have done for ages. When one kid gets sick, you put them all together so that you deal with all of your children ill at once. Doing something like this these days is very unusual. But there are mothers that are helping their kids to get chicken pox on purpose now.

The idea around this growing trend is that those diseases that are mild in nature are those diseases that children need to build up immunity to and it is for this reason that parents are actually making the decision to forgo the vaccinations for such illnesses and instead to expose their children to them in a controlled environment. These parents have formed networks and they let each other know when their child has a contagious disease and they have a party allowing others to bring their children over to catch the illness.

When they do this the kids will get together with other kids that have the Chicken Pox and they naturally get the disease. They will then develop natural immunities. They are then immune to the disease without having to go through any false immunization process and will not have a chance of ever catching it.

Because there is such a wide prevalence of shingles happening in our country with older people it is thought that being exposed to the Chicken Pox virus will make the number of people coming down with shingles lessen. There are a great many more older folks having to deal with Shingles these days and many people wonder if that is because of so many fewer kids getting the Chicken Pox and the adults not being exposed to it.

This is an incredibly controversial thing to do. People don't like the idea of getting kids sick on purpose because in reality it is a dangerous thing to do. Some folks obviously think it is a great idea and are actually actively participating. Others are concerned. There are sometimes cases where Chicken Pox gets pretty bad and can be very hard to deal with. Some kids, especially older ones can get very sick and there is no way to tell whether or not your child will have that sort of reaction.


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