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Wigs Are Worn For A Variety Of Different Reasons

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There are essentially two different types of hair which can either be used as hair extensions or as part of a lace wig. The first type falls into the artificial hair category. Artificial hair can be manufactured to look almost as real as human hair and most artificial hair is colourfast so it will not fade in the sun; however certaintypes of artificial hair will not respond well to styling using heated appliances, for example, or may tend to tangle easily. Remy hair or real human hair on the other hand, is easier to manage and usually of a higher grade or quality, with Brazilian hair being one of the highest owing to its thickness and condition.
Unfortunately however, many hair companies will have not sourced their hair ethically, so it is important for the buyer to check with the company to see whether they are genuine. You can also check with online ethical directories, which will be able to inform you whether certain beauty and cosmetic products adhere to particular codes of practice within the beauty industry. It is not easy at the moment to be able to see whether or not remy hair or Brazilian hair has been ethically sourced, so it is advisable to check, check again and if you are still not sure, to take your business elsewhere. Having beautiful hair is important, but it is never more important than the lives and livelihoods of the people it comes from.
Lace wigs are constructed with a lace base which can be glued to the scalp, allowing the wearer to take part in rigorous activity without the wig slipping or falling. They can also be made as lace front wigs, where only the front part of the wig is constructed from lace and the rest of the wig is made from a highly durable material less likely to rip or tear than lace would.
Wigs are worn for a variety of different reasons. It may be that the wearer is simply looking for a new style or length without having to visit the salon repeatedly. A common reason is because the wearer has lost their hair through illness or treatment such as chemotherapy. In cases such as these wigs can be available on the NHS and support regarding the purchase of synthetic or remy hair wigs can be found on the internet. Many people use wig wearing to experiment with different looks, colours and lengths, making them great for a chameleon-like makeover in an instant.
High quality lace front wigs made using remy hair are designed to last one full year. Keeping real hair lace wigsor synthetic hair wigs clean is important, as regular cleaning using the correct methods will lengthen the life of the wig and will keep it looking clean and in good condition.

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