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Refrigerating Roast Beef in Juice

104 52

Potential Perks

Whether to refrigerate a roast in its juices is based mostly on personal preference and convenience. However, using this method can prevent dryness and add flavor, especially if the liquid is robustly seasoned, such as a red wine reduction. Similar to a marinade, the ingredients in the liquid will continue to add subtle flavor.

The Method

You can refrigerate roast beef with its juices or strain the juices and refrigerate them separately. It's simpler to refrigerate a pot roast that contains chunks of meat, vegetables and juice or gravy all in the same container. Separating the juice from a whole roast takes little extra effort and comes down to personal preference. Whichever method you choose, refrigerate the roast and the juices in an airtight, sealed container at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or colder. Use the leftovers within three days. When possible, refrigerate a whole roast, rather than slices, which tend to dry out quicker.

Rise to the Top

When you open the container storing the gravy or juice, you'll probably notice that the fat has risen to the top and congealed in a greasy layer. This is especially true if you used a chuck roast or some other fatty cut. Take a spoon and carefully skim off this layer and discard it, if you like, before you heat the roast. To reheat roast beef refrigerated in its juices, slice the beef thinly and place it in an ovenproof baking dish. Cover the slices with the juice and seal the dish tightly with foil. Bake the roast in an oven set at 350 F for 20 to 30 minutes or until the roast is tender. You can also microwave sliced roast in a microwave-safe container for 2 to 4 minutes or until the meat is hot. Be careful, though, because a microwave can quickly overcook and dry out leftovers.

Use the Juice

Not only do the juices keep the roast flavorful and moist, but they also can become the basis of another meal. Add a bit of beef broth and thicken the juices with a butter and flour roux. Slice the roast into chunks, add some vegetables and top with mashed potatoes for a shepherd's pie. Alternatively, heat the juice separately and thinly slice the roast. Serve the roast on rolls for hot French dip sandwiches.

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