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Coaching Tip - Ask For Forgiveness Not For Permission

103 28
Are you always asking for permission before doing things? You know what I mean.
Asking your boss or supervisor if it would be OK to try these new technique or a new approach you know is going to work.
Seeking your family's permission before trying anything new or different.
You might even get nervous before asking, and prepare a speech to try to convince whoever it is of your intentions.
And you know it's a great idea but they seem not to see it.
And so they don't give you the opportunity.
And you wonder why they can't see...
Because you are not showing them anything.
Stop asking people for permission.
Most of them don't want to be convinced or to try new things.
They don't like taking risks.
But if you show them, if they see it works, they are not going to think even once that you didn't ask for their permission.
But, what if it doesn't work? You apologize.
That's it.
You are a human being, you make mistakes.
Think about it.
Asking for permission or asking for forgiveness? Which one is going to get you closer to what you want? Trust in yourself, allow yourself to make decisions AND mistakes.
And yes, I know sometimes you have to ask for permission.
That's OK, but don't make it a rule.
That's what I keep telling my friends and family, and I do that myself.
I guess it's in my character.
Just do it, don't ask!! Because if you ask, they might say no...
But as I always suggest, try it and if you don't like it, dump it!

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