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Hyperthyroidism Natural Treatment, Remedies, Causes and Symptoms

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Hyperthyroidism is a condition in which our body secrets too much of thyroid hormone or we can say that in this condition thyroid gland becomes overactive. Due to this the metabolism of our body increases and the patient feels often hotter and even after eating more their weight gradually decreases. Inflammation of the thyroid gland can also be the cause of hyperthyroid. The most common cause of the hyperthyroidism is Grave's disease. Grave's disease constitute three distinct parts like:

1. Swelling around the eyes due to inflammation in the tissue
2. Over the lower legs there is a thickening in the skin
3. Over activity of the thyroid gland

Due to grave's disease a person may suffer from severe eye problems like severe inflammation, blurred vision, double vision and bulging of the eyes.

Sometimes thyroid may cause after delivering baby also. It can also occur when any person take thyroid hormone in any form in excessive quantity. Due to enlargement of swollen thyroid gland it results into the swollen neck which is known as goiter. Usually this swelling is soft but sometimes it may be lumpy and hard.

Some common signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism-intolerance of heat, fast heart beat, loss of hair, staring gaze, moist and warm skin, weakness of muscle, loss in weight, trembling hands, fatigue, nervousness, depression, palpitations, increase in bowel movements, missing or very light menstrual period and breathlessness.

Usually patients of hyperthyroidism are unaware of the problem because its symptom is very slow and gradual. Sometimes patient doesn't suffer from any of the symptoms just the patient undergo loss of weight and feel depressed.

Hyperthyroid may be controlled with the help of natural treatment for which there is no need to go to the doctor. These treatments can be applied in home itself.

1. Intake of caffeine, alcohol and nicotine must be avoided, if anyone is suffering from the problem of hyperthyroidism. You will have to restrict the intake of colas, plain chocolate, coffee and tea as they contain caffeine.

2. Intake of proper diet also plays a vital role in the treatment of hyperthyroidism. Always try to intake the diets which are nutrient rich. Hyperthyroidism may be reduced by taking the foods which are rich in iodine.

3. Avoid the intake of foods like turnips, Swedes and raw cabbage.

4. You must take fish egg etc to compensate the additional need of protein. It will help in the replacement of muscle tissue which has been lost.

Find powerful Natural Thyroid Supplement. Read useful Home Remedies for Hypothyroidism. Also find simple and effective Natural Remedies for Hypothyroidism.

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