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The Beauty of Numerology

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Numerology has been defined for thousands of years as the study of the significance of numbers and how they shape one's destiny.  The Egyptians and Babylonians both used it over 10,000 years ago.  Pythagoras, a mathematician whose theories are still in use today, is believed to have officially organized Numerology in Greece over 2,500 years ago.  Numerology has been used in every culture throughout history to decipher the hidden meaning of a person's life by analyzing their name and date of their birth.  After all, it is the universal language, right?  

Numerology is primarily a fun Self-Help Tool.  Love it or hate it, but the thought is, it allows you to gain greater insight and understanding into your true nature and inner being.  It reveals aspects of your personality and character in a way that is fresh and inspiring, changing the way you look at yourself.  After all, self-knowledge is the key to freedom and success, right?  Knowing your strengths and weaknesses can ultimately help you in every aspect of life.  Learn how to look at life in a whole new life and become passionate about your future!  If you learn to use the art of numerology wisely, you can channel the powerful vibrations that are universally emitted by the creation of numbers and can be put into a form to which you can understand.  Thus, the numbers will guide you successfully through life.  Make sense?
The perspective of a person's life here on Earth as a manifestation of an aspect of the Divine is interpreted through the significance of these numbers.  A person's life purpose, character, luck, career, and the lessons they teach and learn are all defined primarily by the date of birth and secondarily by their name given at birth.  So now you're thinking, 'What is my birth path number?'Your birth path number, suggesting your overall path in life and place in the world, is based on your complete birth date.  It is simple to calculate.  Add up the digits of your birth data, and keep "reducing" (explained via the example below) to a single digit.If your birthday is April 28, 1968, for example, note it as follows:Birth Month is April, which is the 4th month = 4Birth Day is 28 = 28Birth Year is 1968 = 1968.Add up the digits of all of these numbers: 4+2+8+1+9+6+8 = 38Further "reduce" this number to a single digit by adding its digits: 3+8 = 11And then further reduce it, if necessary: 1+1 = 2The final digit, 2, is the Birth Path Number!
To find out what  YOUR  BIRTH NUMBER means, scroll down to find what your number means! You can also do the same with YOUR BIRTH NAME, using the letter to number conversion chart.Southwest Institute of Healing Arts' (holistic health private college) Founder, KC Miller, is passionate about Numerology.  In a recent interview, she was more than happy to share some insights on what it does for her, and what her number is!
  • KC's destiny number is 5:  7+2+4+1+9+5+4=32 or 3+2=5.  5= hard work; craves work of deep impact; restless to do work of substance.
  • Does this number fit you KC? "Yes, absolutely, now that I realize the true meaning.  There was a time I thought it meant a life of hard work.  That sounded 'hard' to me.  However, now I realize that 'hard' should read as deep, value, mission driven work."
  • How did you learn about numerology KC? "It seems like I have always known about it.  One book I can remember reading was Dan Millman's, "The Life You Were Born to Live: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose."
  • KC, do you make decisions based upon numerology? "Some; for example, how to price my artwork or I might look at it if I am trying to choose a special date.  I usually use it as the 'is.'  When I know an address, someone's birthday, name, etc.  Addresses are fascinating."
So, what does Your Number mean?  If you have added up your number, here are the widely accepted meanings:Number One
1 is the leader. The number one indicates the ability to stand alone, and is a strong vibration. Ruled by the Sun. Your keywords: independent, creative, original, ambitious, determined, self-assured. If expressed negatively: arrogant, stubborn, impatient, self-centered.  As a lover: Number ones take the lead in love. Love and/or the chase is of utmost importance to these lovers. There can be self-centeredness, however. These lovers are willing to experiment, and they can be quite exciting--they can also require a lot of excitement because they can bore easily.
Number Two
Number 2 is the mediator and peace-lover. The number two indicates the desire for harmony. It is a gentle, considerate, and sensitive vibration. Ruled by the Moon.  Your keywords: diplomatic, warm, peaceful, sensitive. If expressed negatively: too dependent, manipulative, passive-aggressive.  As a lover: Number Twos will bend over backwards to keep a relationship running smoothly. They offer emotional security to their lovers. The number two is associated with the Moon and, since the Moon rules Cancer in astrology, is similar to the Cancer vibration.
Number Three
Number 3 is a Sociable, friendly, and outgoing vibration. Kind, positive, and optimistic, Three's enjoy life and have a good sense of humor. Ruled by Jupiter.  Your keywords: jovial, friendly, positive, adventurous, self-expressive. If expressed negatively: extravagant, scattered, superficial.  As a lover: Number Threes are fun, energetic, and willing to experiment. These lovers need space and contact with others in order to feel content. If they feel confined, they will be unhappy and restless. Allowed the freedom to socialize and scatter their energies, they are exciting and happy lovers.
Number Four
Number 4 is the Worker. Practical, with a love of detail, Fours are trustworthy, hard-working, and helpful. Ruled by Uranus.  Your keywords: trustworthy, helpful, steady, logical, self-disciplined, problem-solving. If expressed negatively: contrary, stubborn, narrow.  As a lover: Although steady and generally trustworthy, Fours can be quite emotional and frustrated if they feel caged in. They tend to need some level of confrontation in their love lives. A relationship that stagnates will bring out their contrary nature. They love to solve problems, and if allowed to "take on" and tackle predicaments, they are very loyal lovers. 
Number Five
5 is the freedom lover. The number five is an intellectual vibration. These are "idea" people with a love of variety and the ability to adapt to most situations. Ruled by Mercury.  Your keywords: adaptable, freedom-loving, romantic, resourceful, witty, fun-loving, curious, flexible, accommodating. If expressed negatively, non-committal, irresponsible, inconsistent.  As a lover: These lovers are generally attractive to the opposite sex, as they are adaptable, curious, and friendly. Their wit and love of fun is unmistakable. In order to be happy in love, they need some level of change and variety. They also require mental stimulation. They are quick to adapt to ups and downs, but when under-stimulated, they can be inconsistent and resisting of making commitments.
Number Six
6 is the peace lover. The number six is a loving, stable, and harmonious vibration. Ruled by Venus.  Your keywords: compassionate, stable, family-loving, trustworthy, domesticated. If expressed negatively, superficial, jealous, possessive, unwilling to change.  As a lover: Number Sixes have a deep dislike of discord and will generally work hard at keeping the peace. They are very attached to their homes and their families. At their best, they are devoted and stable partners who do whatever they can to maintain balance and harmony. At their worst, they take their peace-loving natures too far, and become lethargic, diplomatic to the point of superficiality, and jealous.
Number Seven
Number 7 is the deep thinker. The number seven is a spiritual vibration. These people are not very attached to material things, are introspective, and generally quiet. Ruled by Neptune.  Your keywords: unusual, introspective, intuitive, psychic, wise, reserved. If expressed negatively: melancholic, odd, leaves too much to chance, hard to reach.  As a lover: These lovers are a little spaced out, and sometimes hard to reach and to understand. However, their disinterest in material things and focus on spirituality makes for interesting, if a little kooky, bed partners and mates. They are intuitive, some are psychic, and although they can be loners at different times in their lives, they are often devoted partners. They can reach levels of intimacy and romance beyond many people's imaginations. However, their goals in love may be too lofty and thus they can be prone to disappointment when relationships inevitably fall short of ideal.
Number Eight
8 is the manager. Number Eight is a strong, successful, and material vibration. Ruled by Saturn.  Your keywords: ambitious, business-minded, practical, leading, authoritative, successful, courageous, accomplished, organized.  If expressed negatively: tense, narrow, materialistic, forceful.  As a lover: These lovers take a commitment with responsibility and bravery. When they treat relationships like business deals, however, they can easily alienate partners and fall short of creating a tolerant and romantic atmosphere. Eights are generally practical and secure, and offer their mates stability and security.
Number Nine
9 is the teacher. Number Nine is a tolerant, somewhat impractical, and sympathetic vibration. Ruled by Mars.  Your keywords: jack of all trades, humanitarian, sympathetic, helpful, emotional, tolerant, active, determined. If expressed negatively: financially careless, moody, bullying, overly emotional, sullen, restless.  As a lover: These lovers are involved and helpful. Because they are sympathetic, they can easily be doormats. They show their love by helping their partners, and assuming their lovers' problems. If triggered, their emotions can be volcanic, and a seemingly meek personality can resort to bullying tactics when unhappy.
Try this with your partner, family members or friends!  It is sure to create fun conversation for all.  

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