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Organic Toothpaste Upgrades Survival

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Going green for the environment is vital for our survival on Earth.
We consumers can each do our part to arrest and even reverse the contamination that has accumulated on our planet over decades of neglect.
Enhancing the environment not only upgrades our survival, but the survival of succeeding generations.
Upgrading our environment begins with simple daily choices, which includes using earth-friendly products.
In fact, some studies indicate that people who primarily use organic products demonstrate a definite reduction in rashes and allergies to various foods than those consumers who don't.
Thanks to the efforts of enlightened consumers, there are many more earth-friendly alternatives to popular products than ever before and one prime example is considering organic or non-organic toothpaste for personal oral hygiene.
Organic toothpaste consumers can avoid certain toxins that non-organic toothpaste users routinely inhale and absorb.
And some of these toxins can linger in and contaminate the human body for a long period of time.
But there are still some people who remain skeptical about the safety of organic toothpastes because they feel these products aren't as well-known as the big name, non-organic brands touted by decades of mainstream media exposure.
I used to be one of these skeptics.
Having spent most of my life dutifully brushing with conventional toothpastes, my only concern then was getting a popular name brand for the least expensive price.
And I had been properly conditioned that fluoride was essential to good tooth health.
But after some research, I discovered that organic toothpaste is far safer than non-organic brands when it comes to dental hygiene.
In fact, it has been reported that about 89% of over-the-counter hygiene products have never been officially evaluated for their effect on public health.
Many synthetic chemicals in certain toothpastes can potentially plague the human body with chronic health hazards.
One particularly nasty ingredient is Sodium Laurel Sulfate, which is toxic to the liver and kidneys while encouraging such skin problems as eczema.
This toxin can also transfer from our waste water into the open environment and contaminate marine life as well.
In fact, the Internet provides more specific information about this toxin and other chemical hazards from various sources beside toothpaste.
Despite the fact of toxins present in non-organic toothpastes, there is still the bottom line of price when considering a change.
Although many consumers honestly believe that organic toothpaste is much more expensive to purchase, it is a fact is that organic substitutes are competitively priced when sized up against non-organic pastes.
After honestly evaluating serious environmental concerns for ourselves, our children and grandchildren, it is not surprising that organic toothpaste is rising in popularity.
Choosing organic is definitely the green way to go.

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