Am I Diabetic - How to Find It?
In today's materialistic world most of us are victims of diabetes. Recent surveys have shown that diabetes is becoming the most common disease affecting almost half of the human race. Though diabetes is not a deadly disease like cancer or AIDS, it can eat up one's good health and can cause various health hazards. The most consistent symptom of diabetes is increased blood sugar levels. It differs with the type of diabetes you are suffering from. In Type 1 diabetes, increases blood sugar level is caused as a result of our body not producing enough insulin to regulate blood sugar and in Type 2 diabetes, it is caused by the resistance to insulin by our body.
The symptoms of diabetes are pretty clear and are easily observable. However, diabetes is not something you can see in the mirror at home, so it is useful to know the side-effects of high blood sugar, which are commonly recognized as the noticeable symptoms of diabetes. If you find yourself experiencing many of these diabetes symptoms on a persistent, long term basis, it is advisable that you should consult a doctor. If you ignore the symptoms of diabetes it can lead to long-term serious health risks and complications. Some of the marked or common symptoms of diabetes are:
· The most noticeable symptom of diabetes is often excessive thirst.
· Excessive hunger and dry mouth.
· Increase in urine production which leads to dehydration.
· Insufficient sleep due to frequent urination at night.
· An abnormal fluctuation in weight.
· Feeling tired due to lack of energy.
· Irritability, confusion, agitation.
· Blurred vision due to shrinking of the lens of the eye due to excess glucose.
· Dry and flaky skin due to excessive loss of water.
· Slow healing of any sores, cuts or wounds.
· A diabetic person is prone to recurrent yeast and fungal infections.
· Tingling feeling in the hands and feet which heightens at night.
· Due to weak immune system a diabetic person is more susceptible to infections.
· Some patients also feel pain in the legs while walking.
Some serious diabetic Symptoms include:
· Vomiting
· Nausea
· Abdominal cramps
· Fruity smell in breath
· Flushed skin
Deducting the existence of diabetes is very easy, and the constant presence of one or more of these symptoms over an extended period of time should be cause for a visit to the doctor. If diabetes is suspected, tested for, and diagnosed in a very early stage it can often be prevented through proper diet, exercise and proper blood sugar management.
Even though diabetes is a chronic condition, it does not mean you need to avoid every activity you enjoy. You can have the same amount of fun, provided, you are a bit cautious. If you suffer from diabetes, you cannot ignore the precautions, nor do you need to get bogged down completely by them. The earlier you diagnose these symptoms the safer you are, as diabetes can be cured completely if its diagnosed in its earlier stages.
The symptoms of diabetes are pretty clear and are easily observable. However, diabetes is not something you can see in the mirror at home, so it is useful to know the side-effects of high blood sugar, which are commonly recognized as the noticeable symptoms of diabetes. If you find yourself experiencing many of these diabetes symptoms on a persistent, long term basis, it is advisable that you should consult a doctor. If you ignore the symptoms of diabetes it can lead to long-term serious health risks and complications. Some of the marked or common symptoms of diabetes are:
· The most noticeable symptom of diabetes is often excessive thirst.
· Excessive hunger and dry mouth.
· Increase in urine production which leads to dehydration.
· Insufficient sleep due to frequent urination at night.
· An abnormal fluctuation in weight.
· Feeling tired due to lack of energy.
· Irritability, confusion, agitation.
· Blurred vision due to shrinking of the lens of the eye due to excess glucose.
· Dry and flaky skin due to excessive loss of water.
· Slow healing of any sores, cuts or wounds.
· A diabetic person is prone to recurrent yeast and fungal infections.
· Tingling feeling in the hands and feet which heightens at night.
· Due to weak immune system a diabetic person is more susceptible to infections.
· Some patients also feel pain in the legs while walking.
Some serious diabetic Symptoms include:
· Vomiting
· Nausea
· Abdominal cramps
· Fruity smell in breath
· Flushed skin
Deducting the existence of diabetes is very easy, and the constant presence of one or more of these symptoms over an extended period of time should be cause for a visit to the doctor. If diabetes is suspected, tested for, and diagnosed in a very early stage it can often be prevented through proper diet, exercise and proper blood sugar management.
Even though diabetes is a chronic condition, it does not mean you need to avoid every activity you enjoy. You can have the same amount of fun, provided, you are a bit cautious. If you suffer from diabetes, you cannot ignore the precautions, nor do you need to get bogged down completely by them. The earlier you diagnose these symptoms the safer you are, as diabetes can be cured completely if its diagnosed in its earlier stages.