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Increase Growth Hormone Naturally - Three Ways To Optimize Growth Hormone Naturally And Build Muscle

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Increase Growth Hormone Naturally

If you're trying to build muscle and gain weight, growth hormone is likely of special consideration to you. Growth hormone is a hormone that is produced by the body, usually in highest concentrations when you are very young and then around puberty again when the body is growing most rapidly, but is also key in the muscle building process. Increase Growth Hormone Naturally

Essentially growth hormone is going to play a key role in helping to ensure that you put on as much muscle as you can optimally without turning to drugs (steroids).

Do Growth Hormone Supplements Work

One thing many of those into bodybuilding look into is whether or not the growth hormone supplements out there are worth their money.

To be completely honest, most often, they aren't. The really only true way an outside source of growth hormone would be beneficial was if it was injected medically, something that is very costly and extremely hard to obtain (for pure muscle gaining principles).

But, all hope is not lost, there are things you can do to optimize the natural growth hormone release that you experience in your body, thus helping to take a more natural approach to your weight gain

Train Using Less Rest

When training, you want to minimize your rest time while still ensuring you can lift heavy weights.

Obviously don't take this advice too far and start supersetting all of your exercises or performing them in a circuit training fashion, but don't stop for three or more minutes in between each set. Typically, growth hormone release will be at its highest if you are taking rest periods of about one to two minutes between each set (the lower rest being used for isolated, smaller muscle groups and the longer rest for heavier exercises like squats and deadlifts. Increase Growth Hormone Naturally

Get More Sleep - Preferably Before Midnight

Next, another way you can maximize your growth hormone release is ensuring you are getting a full eight hours of sleep at night. It's of no good for you to pound away in the gym, lifting as heavy as you possibly can, but then only allowing your body five to six hours of sleep at night. Sleep time is when you recover and coincidentally, also the time when growth hormone release is high.

Further, some studies have shown that growth hormone release tends to be even greater in the hours before midnight, so try and go to bed earlier and get up earlier - if possible.

Ensure Adequate Calories Are Taken In

This shouldn't have to be said, but you'd be surprised at how many people think they can build muscle on a few extra calories above maintenance. They are so scared of fat gain that they think, "I'll just go slowly, add about 100 extra calories per day and ensure I only gain weight." While this theoretically seems to make sense, in the real world, it usually doesn't quite work out this way.

The body does adjust its metabolisms lightly to account for various intakes so at only a hundred extra calories per day, you might find you're just spinning your wheels and not gaining any significant weight at all.

So, if you're serious about packing on lean muscle mass, get serious about doing everything you can to naturally help this process along. Increase Growth Hormone Naturally

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