Neurofeedback - A Great Alternative For ADD And ADHD Sufferers
Neurofeedback is a type of brainwave therapy that is perhaps best known for the help and hope it offers to those who struggle with the symptoms of ADD and ADHD. In a great number of cases, such symptoms are alleviated to such a degree that medications can be dramatically reduced or even completely eliminated. This is a great relief to many parents who worry about the long term effects of having their children on medications to control ADD/ADHD for years at a time.
Even though neuro, or biofeedback, as it is sometimes called, has been used in many situations for more than forty years, there are still many who consider this approach to alternative therapy to be experimental. However, the majority of people who are skeptical and want to categorize neurotherapy as experimental are those in the mainstream medical community, and are those who have something to lose by acknowledging the benefits of alternative and holistic medicine and therapies.
Neurofeedback is attractive to many people and is used to address many other conditions, in addition to ADD and ADHD, because of the fact that it is non invasive, and therefore, is perfectly safe to try. In addition, there have not been any reports of any significant negative side effects related to the use of biofeedback treatment, yet there have been numerous reports of the positive effects.
The process of a neurofeedback therapy session is thought to have the effect of resetting brain patterns that have developed and are thought to be at the root of many problems. Once reset, the brain can return to performing at optimal levels and the body responds according to these enhanced, or restored, brainwaves to heal and repair itself or to reestablish proper behavior.
The benefits of neurofeedback therapy are not seen overnight. It is possible that it could take anywhere from 20 to 40 sessions to experience the full benefits and to fully "reset" those brain patterns.
Typically, each biofeedback therapy session will last from 30 minutes up to an hour. Once there has been sufficient repetition and practice and the brain patterns are successfully reset, proponents say that the effects should be considered permanent.
However, in order to gain the full and lasting benefits of neurofeedback therapy, the person must be fully engaged and participating in the process. This is not a therapy which is "done to" the client, but which requires the active involvement of the subject.
It is essential that the biofeedback therapists do all they can to enlist the person's own self-regulatory mechanisms to create a state of healing and optimal health. While the biofeedback machines are invaluable for giving the person the feedback about their brain activity, they must put forth effort into endeavor and practice their neurotherapy techniques with persistence. This is the true key to lasting benefits.
Since it is not widely used yet, neurofeedback can be rather expense and out of reach for many people. On top of that, since it is considered by most insurance companies to be an experimental treatment, it is usually not covered. There is one main alternative to the expensive biofeedback therapy programs, and that is a kit called the Wild Divine Biofeedback program which allows you to enjoy the benefits of brainwave training from the comfort of your home, by running the software on your computer.
Even though neuro, or biofeedback, as it is sometimes called, has been used in many situations for more than forty years, there are still many who consider this approach to alternative therapy to be experimental. However, the majority of people who are skeptical and want to categorize neurotherapy as experimental are those in the mainstream medical community, and are those who have something to lose by acknowledging the benefits of alternative and holistic medicine and therapies.
Neurofeedback is attractive to many people and is used to address many other conditions, in addition to ADD and ADHD, because of the fact that it is non invasive, and therefore, is perfectly safe to try. In addition, there have not been any reports of any significant negative side effects related to the use of biofeedback treatment, yet there have been numerous reports of the positive effects.
The process of a neurofeedback therapy session is thought to have the effect of resetting brain patterns that have developed and are thought to be at the root of many problems. Once reset, the brain can return to performing at optimal levels and the body responds according to these enhanced, or restored, brainwaves to heal and repair itself or to reestablish proper behavior.
The benefits of neurofeedback therapy are not seen overnight. It is possible that it could take anywhere from 20 to 40 sessions to experience the full benefits and to fully "reset" those brain patterns.
Typically, each biofeedback therapy session will last from 30 minutes up to an hour. Once there has been sufficient repetition and practice and the brain patterns are successfully reset, proponents say that the effects should be considered permanent.
However, in order to gain the full and lasting benefits of neurofeedback therapy, the person must be fully engaged and participating in the process. This is not a therapy which is "done to" the client, but which requires the active involvement of the subject.
It is essential that the biofeedback therapists do all they can to enlist the person's own self-regulatory mechanisms to create a state of healing and optimal health. While the biofeedback machines are invaluable for giving the person the feedback about their brain activity, they must put forth effort into endeavor and practice their neurotherapy techniques with persistence. This is the true key to lasting benefits.
Since it is not widely used yet, neurofeedback can be rather expense and out of reach for many people. On top of that, since it is considered by most insurance companies to be an experimental treatment, it is usually not covered. There is one main alternative to the expensive biofeedback therapy programs, and that is a kit called the Wild Divine Biofeedback program which allows you to enjoy the benefits of brainwave training from the comfort of your home, by running the software on your computer.