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Video: Seared Scallops With Tarragon-Butter Sauce

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Video Transcript

Hello. Tim Sousa, chef for Pour Judgement Bar and Grill in Newport, Rhode Island. I've been a chef in Rhode Island for over ten years. And today I'm going to show you how to make seared scallops with a tarragon butter sauce. So let's start off with our scallops. We've got some beautiful sea scallops that we're going to sear off in a nice hot pan, a little salt and pepper and a touch of olive oil. The key in get your pan very hot, put your scallops in about two to three minutes each side, till they're nice and brown and then flip them over and you're good for a medium rare scallop. To make the tarragon butter sauce is very simple as well. We start off with a little bit of shallot and a little bit of butter. You're going to sweat the shallots. That just means till they're nice and translucent, not browned at all. We're going to add a little bit of white wine. You can use a dry white wine, table wine is fine, not the stuff you're going to drink with the meal. And then you're going to add a little bit of lemon juice and slowly add pads of butter, one at a time and whisk them in slowly so it incorporates and makes a nice creamy sauce. And at the end you're going to add some fresh chopped tarragon. Fresh tarragon's the best. It adds a nice flavor and you don't get that crunchiness that you would from the dried tarragon that you would see otherwise. So I've gone ahead and made this all ahead of time. We're going to go ahead and plate it up for you. Very simple but very elegant recipe. We've got two beautifully seared scallops still sizzling in the pan. Place those right dead center. And then from there we have our tarragon butter sauce which you can see is a nice yellow buttery color. It's got some nice thickness, nice sheen to it and that fresh tarragon pops out. Go ahead and ladle a little bit of that over right on the plate, up and down. Now it's got some potent flavor so you don't need too much of that on there. And I just picked a few sprigs of fresh tarragon just go garnish with, make your plate look a little pretty. Just place those right there. And That's about it. Voila. You can add a little fresh lemon if you want on the plate, but very simple, very elegant preparation. Enjoy.

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