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How to Make Goo With Flour & Water

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    • 1). Tape garbage bags to the table before mixing your goo. Flour and water are easy to clean, but you'll spare your sanity by minimizing the mess from the beginning.

    • 2). Combine flour and warm water in a large mixing bowl. Allow the children to take turns mixing and mashing the ingredients until all the lumps are smooth. Add more water for thinner goo or less water for a thicker paste texture.

    • 3). Add a few drops of food coloring to the goo. Stir until your coloring blends evenly throughout the goo. Food coloring isn't necessary for texture or consistency, but adding bright colors can make your creation all the more appealing to little ones.

    • 4). Separate the goo into smaller bowls if you have more than one child. Individual bowls allow each child her own goo supply. Create different colors of goo for each child if you're feeling ambitious.

    • 5). Clean up the goo with paper towels saturated in warm water and some mild hand soap. For fast removal, clean the goo before it dries onto the floor and chairs. Strip and discard the garbage bags taped to the table.


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