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Stress Management Therapy

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Stress management therapies are conducted by professional psychologists and therapists at health centers and clinics.
The objective of the therapy is to improve self confidence, overcome stress, control unwanted habits, deal with pressure, work better together and gain confidence.
Stress management programs include various therapies and relaxation techniques.
Hypnotherapy is a natural state of deep relaxation and concentration.
Hypnosis releases stress, tension, pressure and removes negative thoughts.
Cognitive behavior therapy helps you to understand and change thoughts and feelings.
Behavior therapy aids in overcoming undesired behavior and reduces stress.
Problem solving therapy enables the clients to identify current problems in their life and learn to counter them.
This therapy has two parts.
The first part is to deal with the emotional aspects of a problem.
The second part is to deal with its practical aspects.
Rational emotive behavior therapy is a result oriented therapy.
This therapy is derived from cognitive behavior therapy.
Rational emotive behavior therapy helps individuals to handle the problems and situations of life.
It enables individuals to identify their own self defeating thoughts, beliefs and actions, and teaches them to entertain more effective and constructive thoughts.
Stress management massage therapies help to release stress and strain.
These involve holistic and neuromuscular treatment.
The massage therapies help to overcome emotional exhaustion and overtiredness due to stress and reduce the muscle tension due to work stress.
Light relaxation therapies reduce headaches, anxiety and worry.
Deep relaxation therapies are used to overcome severe stress conditions like insomnia and shock.
Pharmaceutical therapy is used to treat severe stress conditions.
The most common medications used are benzodiazepines and buspirone.
Antidepressant medications are used to treat stress created by muscle tension.
Pharmaceutical therapy with stress management therapy is effective in treating chronic stress conditions.
Aromatherapy is also used to treat stress problems.
Concentrated aromatic oils are used in this treatment.
The oils are inhaled and carried to the nervous system and the brain.
Color therapy, reiki treatments and crystal therapies are also used in stress management.
These therapies can refresh the mind, body and spirit.

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