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The Importance of Maintaining Consistency in Working Towards Child Behavior Modification

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Child behavior modification as it sounds is not an easy task.
It is like changing ones habits.
Modifying the behavior would mean carefully changing the earlier set pattern of behavior in a child.
This is indeed a very daunting task for a parent as unlike the adults the child does not understand the need to change certain set behavior patterns.
As a result sometimes reason and logic fail to have a required impact on the child.
For the parents this can be very unnerving and a daunting task.
There are certain things the parents should keep in mind while trying to modify the child's behavior these are; clear instructions, consistency and firmness.
Most often than not the child's behavioral problems arise because the parents fail to give clear instructions.
There is no clarity between the approved behavior pattern and the unwanted behavior patterns.
This can a lot of confusion in the child's mind and can lead to behavioral problems.
Another aspect that the parents should keep in mind while trying to achieve child behavior modification is consistency in what they say.
In other words they should be consistent in the dos and don'ts that they prescribe for the child.
While instructing the child the parents should be very clear in explaining the right behavior from the wrong behavior.
This will give the child a clear idea as to what is expected of him or her in certain given situations.
In no circumstance the disapproved behavioral pattern should be acceptable to either of the parent.
This can indeed send wrong signals to the child.
Inconsistency in the parent's instructions can actually make the child least accountable for his conduct.
Moreover the child may take the parent for granted.
Firmness is also a very important aspect required in the child behavior modification.
It is advisable for the parent to stick to their word.
No matter how much the child tries to emotionally blackmail you, you as a parent should not give in.
For example if a parent has drawn the line that the child should not watch TV after certain time frame, no matter what the child does this should not change.
Otherwise this can make the child believe that parents can be manipulated to their wishes.
Hence firmness is needed not matter how much emotionally draining it is as a parent for you.
Another important aspect of child behavior modification is that the parents should be in total agreement with each other while instructing their children.
Either of the parents should not contradict each other's statements, this can cause a lot of distrust in the child and can make the child antagonist towards the parent who is stricter than the other.
It is usually seen that at times either of the parent overrules the others instructions in the spurt of the moment or as a change of heart.
They fail to realize that this act of theirs can seriously damage the child's relationship with the other parent.
As a result of this the child would refuse to respond to the parent who is stricter, causing a lot of friction in the members of the house.

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