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Christmas Pudding From Denmark - Risalamande

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This Christmas pudding was created in the 19th century in Denmark after World War 2.
Whipped cream was added to the un common and expensive rice pudding to make it go further.
Made from rice pudding, whipped cream, vanilla and almonds, it is traditionally served on little Christmas eve, December 23.
It is more common these days and with the Christmas season approaching, this is a perfect time to adopt this European dish on to your holiday table.
One of the traditions associated with this pudding is that a single almond is mixed into the dish and the person who finds the almond receives a prize, again, traditionally a small board game, a marzipan pig, or a chocolate heart.
This seems like the way to introduce a new family tradition for young families.
Here's what you will need: 1-1/2 Quarts milk (6 cups) 1/2 Cup rice 1/2 Cup sugar 2 Eggs 1 Tablespoon vanilla ½ Cup whipping cream 1 Almond In a medium saucepan, combine rice, milk and sugar and bring to a light boil, stirring often.
Simmer for 45 minutes, or until rice is tender, stirring occasionally.
Beat 2 eggs with additional 1/2 cup milk and stir into mixture.
Cook for 3 minutes, stirring constantly until mixture thickens.
Add vanilla.
In a separate mixing bowl, beat whipping cream until stiff peaks form.
Transfer to cooled rice pudding and gently fold in, being careful not to break the cream.
Drop in the single almond and fold to hide the almond.
This recipe serves 6.
Note: If you do not want to follow tradition and go for the added flavor, fold in ¼ cup slivered almonds.
Also this dish can be dressed up with raisins and cinnamon, a raspberry sauce on top, cherries, a chocolate swirl or kiwi.
Although the name sounds French, I can find no definitive proof of its origin.
Possibly just the Danish flair for high society words to dress up their common ingredients.
Pronounced "Rees a la mang", it derives from an older Danish food, rice porridge.
Either way, this dish makes for a hearty dessert for our Christmas celebration.
I find the best rice to use while making Risalamande is short-grain white rice or Arborio rice if you don't have short-grain rice.
It contains a chemical which gives it its creamy texture.
Stay away from long-grain rice as it does not contain this creamy chemical.
Also, do not use brown or wild rice in this dish.

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