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Learning To Love Yourself

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Learning to be at peace with your inner being is an essential part of achieving your goals. If you are constantly meditating on negative and discouraging thoughts then you're bound to go in a negative and discouraging direction. Between the television and the naysayers, you're already exposed to enough negativity. The worst thing you could do is fuel it all with your own pessimistic thoughts. Your thoughts are quite comparable to an echoing valley, when you yell "I'll never be good enough" you will swiftly hear that same phrase repeated over and over again. If you yell "You've got what it takes", you'll hear the message repetitively. Life works the same way, whatever messages you send out will always come back to you. If you go around all day thinking about your flaws and your downfalls, then you're not going to see a change…If you walk around thinking about all you've achieved and how far you've come; then you're sure to achieve more and go further than you could have ever imagined.

Now if you're thinking "I would think positive thoughts, if only I had not done so much that I regret" then you have a problem that needs to be immediately resolved. It is a problem that relates to what I was describing earlier; you have been meditating on negativity for too long. Becoming engulfed in past regrets is synonymous with meditating on negativity. No human being is perfect, and in reality it is not about what you have done it is about who you have become. The Bible perfectly exemplifies this statement; considering one of Jesus Christ's closest followers (Mary Magdalene) was a former prostitute. Yes she may have sinned in the past, but she forgave herself and was therefore forgiven. She repented her sins, she learned from them and consequently, she developed into a better human being that was accepted by Jesus Christ himself. If Jesus—the son of God— was able to forgive her of her past faults then we should have no problem forgiving ourselves of our own. Don't let negativity have a presence within your life, and equally imperative, feel good about who you are. So at this very moment consider the war within over… you hail victorious over your demons, your fears, and your regrets. And as long you stay strong and live in positivity, you'll forever live in a peaceful state of mind.


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