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Neurological Based Cancer Complications

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If you suffer from systemic cancer, it is important to understand that there are many neurological based cancer complications that may occur.
As a matter of fact, neurological challenges are quite common when it comes to cancer patients.
These issues most often occur once a patient has undergone chemotherapy in order to eliminate cancerous cells and possibly to reduce the size of tumors that are located within the body.
It is important for cancer patients to know and understand what types of challenges that they may have to face during the progression of their disease.
Here, you will learn about the neurological based cancer complications that are considered to be the most common.
Brain Metastases Brain Metastases are considered to be the most prevalent of all neurological side effects associated with cancer.
This is a condition in which cancer from another location in the body has spread to the brain itself.
In addition to this, cancer complications such as various types of tumors may travel to the brain.
These include the tumors that are identified as melanoma, and even sarcomas.
It is possible for any type of cancer to result in spread to the brain region.
These neurological cancer complications occur through the means of an extended growth of an already present tumor, through the means of the body's lymphatic system, and even through the bloodstream.
Symptoms of this neurological issue include, but are not limited to headaches, varying degrees of dizziness, vision that is blurred, and other systematic issues related to the nervous system.
Leptomeningeal Metastases Many individuals with cancer experience the neurological complication of Leptomeningeal Metastases.
This typically affects women who suffer from breast cancer.
Many medical professionals also refer to it as "Carcinomatous Meningitis".
Basically, the breast cancer spreads to the area of the brain that is identified as the "Meninges".
These are tissues that are layered over the brain.
They are also present in the spinal cord.
The two most common manners that these metastases spread to this region are through an already developed Brain Metastases or through the bloodstream.
Symptoms that indicate the presence of this neurological complication include mild to severe headaches, confusion that is mental based, dizziness, losing control of the bladder and the bowels, weakness, severe lethargy, and in some cases, a complete loss of consciousness.
Metabolic Encephalopathy The next cancer complication that may be experienced is referred to as "Metabolic Encephalopathy".
This is a type of damage that occurs to the brain.
It may be temporary, but in many cases it is permanent.
It occurs because of the fact that the brain does not receive enough glucose.
In many cases, it could be a result of disruption of oxygen to the brain, or another type of deficiency that relates to the metabolic process within the body.
In many cases, the dysfunction of an organ may cause this cancer complication.
Symptoms of this challenging complication include, but are not limited to, muscle rigidity, mental confusion, being forgetful, and complications in speaking, seizures, asterixis, and even coma.
If you feel as if you are suffering from any of these cancer complications, seek immediate assistance from a medical doctor.

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