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Are You Looking For Natural Remedies to Use in the Comfort of Your Own Home?

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There are a host of natural remedies on the market, but before you start trying them out, it's an idea to know what they do and what they are capable of doing.
Don't think, for one moment, that just because the remedy is natural, that it is also harmless.
Most natural remedies are powerful.
You do need to know what you're dealing with.
Granted, they don't have the severe side effects of drugs.
But they're not pussy cats either! I'm no herbalist, but I do know that you shouldn't use the herb penny royal around pregnant women, as it encourages miscarriages.
The effects of aromatherapy oils can be huge, both good and not so good, if you don't know what you're doing.
I know some people have suffered quite badly at the hands of chiropractors.
They may have been heading that way anyway, but it does show you, you need to be aware of just how natural remedies work.
On the whole, natural remedies are healthy, do far more good than harm, can cure deep seated issues, and you can sometimes find what you're looking for yourself.
I love that aspect.
I love empowering people.
Learning to do it yourself may have its limits, but boy, does it make you feel good when you achieve something! Out of all the natural remedies that I know off, I consider the flower remedies, or essences, and homeopathy to be both the most effective and with the least potential for causing harm if you don't know what you're doing.
I don't use flower essences much, as their effect can take a while to happen and I'm impatient! I like to see results quickly.
But then, flower essences were designed to be used by the lay person, with little knowledge.
So they are brilliant in that aspect.
My all time favourite natural remedy modality is homeopathy.
You can buy a kit which contains 10 - 40 home prescribing remedies and armed with the information leaflet that accompanies the kit, you can do some spectacularly good work.
The remedies in a homeopathic home prescribing kit are generally of low potency.
So if you get the wrong remedy, no harm is done.
Just nothing happens.
Once you've had a few successes, it can go to your head! You then want to do more, to learn more.
One of the easiest ways of learning more is subscribing to a magazine which specialises in what you're trying to learn.
Magazines normally make things light and easy to understand, with anecdotes that tend to stick in your mind.
Much easier than labouring through a manual on natural remedies, which may be dry and uphill reading.
That can come later, when you know enough to make it interesting and if you want to go still further in your knowledge.
To give you some tasters of what you can do with natural remedies:- A mother, who had recently bought one of my homeopathic home prescribing kits, rang me up to say her daughter had a throbbing headache and was hot and feverish.
I suggested she give her daughter Belladonna.
A few doses and a couple of hours later, and her daughter was back to normal, eating heartily and racing around as usual.
One of my patients who had recently bought a kit, told me about when her cat had returned home one day, a bit worse for wear.
It looked as if she had been bitten.
A few doses of Ledum from the kit and the cat slept.
When she awoke, she was back to normal, eating well.
No infection resulted.
I hear stories like this all the time.
And I love to hear them.
I love knowing that people are taking control of their own lives and are finding out what can help them and their families.

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