Techniques to Relieve Infant Gas
- Gas buildup can occur from swallowing too much air. This can happen if an infant is being fed incorrectly. Always keep the child's head higher than his stomach. If using a bottle, try using a slow-flow nipple or a bag that deflates as it empties as opposed to a hard plastic bottle that fills with air.
- If an infant is breastfeeding, his gas can be caused by mom's diet. Cut back on caffeine and milk-products that may be hard for a baby to digest. If feeding the baby formula, ask a pediatrician about hypoallergenic brands. Avoid feeding an infant cow milk and fruit juice because they are difficult to digest. Consult a pediatrician before significantly changing the diet of a baby.
- Massages can help relieve gas.Comstock Images/Comstock/Getty Images
Gas builds up in an infant's stomach. To help the baby pass gas, apply pressure on his belly. Rubbing the tummy in circles is a good technique to relieve gas. Another option is to hold the baby in a "football hold," that is face down along the forearm, while massaging his back. Similarly, lay the infant stomach-down across your lap and bounce your knees slowly while performing a back rub. - Gripe water is a natural over-the-counter remedy for relieving gas. It contains a combination of herbs that settle the stomach and relax muscles. Simethicone also decreases gas in the stomach. It can be found in such medications as Baby Gas-X and Colic Drops. Always read the directions when using over-the-counter medication and consult a pediatrician if the problems persist.
Correct Feeding
Over-the-Counter Remedies