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How to Fix a Diaper Genie

104 26
    • 1). Take the bag out of your genie. The bag refill can be lifted out after opening the top.

    • 2). Find the gray button. It is located about halfway down the Diaper Genie. Pressing it will unlock the top half of the genie so you can lift it.

    • 3). Unscrew the genie. Looking into the genie, you should see a cutter. Look further down until you see two screws. The screws should be about 4 inches below the midpoint of the genie. Remove the screws.

    • 4). Remove the panel that holds the parts that open and close the lid.

    • 5). Look at the closing mechanism. At this point you should see two doors that are on a track. These doors open and close the lid. At least one of the doors is probably not in alignment with the tracks if the genie is not working.

    • 6). Move the part that is not aligned back into place. Test it by pushing it back and forth and making sure that it does not stick or stop along the tracks.

    • 7). Replace the parts, making sure to put the screws back in as well. Your genie should be in working order now.


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