3 Propolis Allergy Symptoms That You Should Know
Propolis is known for its huge benefits, contributing to enhance our immune system. Just to mention a few, it works as a good antioxidant source, gives natural antibiotic effect, anti inflammation effect, potent anti cancer as well as anti hyperglycemia, and many more. However, aside from all those benefits, there are some things that you should concern. It is allergic reaction. Based on study conducted by M. Menniti from Italy, it is emphasized the reason of why you should not underestimate propolis allergy. These following occasions are reported briefly in his writing:
*Sixteen reports is related with allergic reactions with dermatitis symptoms and respiratory problem.
*Two reports in a form of digestive tract. From all the cases that are reported, six patients goes to emergency room, and two patients experience a life-threatening incident. So, in this article, I would like to inform you about some fundamental things about propolis allergy.
Who Can Suffer For Propolis Allergy?
1. Person who suffer for bees' sting allergy (or other bee-products). Generally, they have the same tendency for suffering to propolis allergy. It's not that every person in this world has a great tendency suffering to propolis allergy. In fact, there are just few. Based on statistic from Statewide IPM Project from University of California, the number of people who suffer for this kind of allergy is in range between 0.001% - 0.002% from total population.
2. Person who suffer for Myroxylon Pereira hypersensitivity or also known as Balsam of Peru hypersensitivity. This second category is based on study conducted by B.M.Hausen. He found that allergic reaction is happened as a result of some specific chemical compounds (generally, this refers to allergen). Since propolis contains more than 200 chemical substances, then it is very possible that other product can also contains the same allergen as propolis. The main chemical substances that responsible for allergic reactions are 3-methyl-2-butenyl caffeate, phenyl ethyl caffeate, salicylate and benzyl cinamate.
Knowing The Symptoms
1. Skin Inflammation Dermatitis or also known as skin inflammation is the most popular symptom of propolis allergy. This one is also the first reported case in literature with about 200 cases happened in past decades.Skin inflammation is usually happened through direct contact with propolis. You can use hydro cortisone cream for this allergy symptoms. However, do not forget to consult to your dermatologist at first.
2. Stomatitis and ulceration Stomatitis is inflammation that happens within the mouth area. It could be cheeks inflammation, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth.
3. Nausea and Upsets Stomach. Those last two symptoms happened when you consume propolis orally, especially by chewing raw propolis. Even though you have already proven free from propolis allergy, please avoid raw propolis consumption especially with a large dose and high frequency. Based on Donadieu's study from France, that kind of habit triggers the allergic symptoms in a form of nausea and upsets stomach.
It will be a wise action to contact your dermatologist to perform patch testing, avoiding those unwanted allergy reaction. Propolis patch testing has been a part of Standard patch test series, since 1988 in Europe. Commonly, patch is available in a 10% concentration in petrolatum.
*Sixteen reports is related with allergic reactions with dermatitis symptoms and respiratory problem.
*Two reports in a form of digestive tract. From all the cases that are reported, six patients goes to emergency room, and two patients experience a life-threatening incident. So, in this article, I would like to inform you about some fundamental things about propolis allergy.
Who Can Suffer For Propolis Allergy?
1. Person who suffer for bees' sting allergy (or other bee-products). Generally, they have the same tendency for suffering to propolis allergy. It's not that every person in this world has a great tendency suffering to propolis allergy. In fact, there are just few. Based on statistic from Statewide IPM Project from University of California, the number of people who suffer for this kind of allergy is in range between 0.001% - 0.002% from total population.
2. Person who suffer for Myroxylon Pereira hypersensitivity or also known as Balsam of Peru hypersensitivity. This second category is based on study conducted by B.M.Hausen. He found that allergic reaction is happened as a result of some specific chemical compounds (generally, this refers to allergen). Since propolis contains more than 200 chemical substances, then it is very possible that other product can also contains the same allergen as propolis. The main chemical substances that responsible for allergic reactions are 3-methyl-2-butenyl caffeate, phenyl ethyl caffeate, salicylate and benzyl cinamate.
Knowing The Symptoms
1. Skin Inflammation Dermatitis or also known as skin inflammation is the most popular symptom of propolis allergy. This one is also the first reported case in literature with about 200 cases happened in past decades.Skin inflammation is usually happened through direct contact with propolis. You can use hydro cortisone cream for this allergy symptoms. However, do not forget to consult to your dermatologist at first.
2. Stomatitis and ulceration Stomatitis is inflammation that happens within the mouth area. It could be cheeks inflammation, gums, tongue, lips, throat, and roof or floor of the mouth.
3. Nausea and Upsets Stomach. Those last two symptoms happened when you consume propolis orally, especially by chewing raw propolis. Even though you have already proven free from propolis allergy, please avoid raw propolis consumption especially with a large dose and high frequency. Based on Donadieu's study from France, that kind of habit triggers the allergic symptoms in a form of nausea and upsets stomach.
It will be a wise action to contact your dermatologist to perform patch testing, avoiding those unwanted allergy reaction. Propolis patch testing has been a part of Standard patch test series, since 1988 in Europe. Commonly, patch is available in a 10% concentration in petrolatum.