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What to Do When the Babysitter Arrives

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Parents who've never hired a babysitter before may not know exactly what preparations to take.
If you fall into this category, you might be anxious and hesitant in dealing with the babysitter.
Because of this, you may also neglect some basic etiquette or considerations.
Before the babysitter arrives, you have to make sure everything is in its proper place.
Check your child's room because it may be a mess.
All his toys must be where the babysitter can find them, and not scattered all over the floor.
Bathrooms must be clean- keep in mind that the babysitter is a visitor in your home, and you would not want her to suffer from an inconvenience.
Make sure there is enough handwashing fluid or soap, a guest towel, and that the toilet is working.
Also, for your child's sake, make sure there is a first aid kit and emergency medicines available.
Check the refrigerator for food- it is common courtesy to leave some snacks for the sitter and your children.
When the babysitter arrives, the first thing to do is to show her around the house.
The tour should be quick but comprehensive.
The babysitter should know the location of the bathroom, kitchen, and your children's rooms.
She should know where to find the fire exits if necessary, and burglar alarms.
She should be shown the use of certain devices and appliances that she may need.
Then introduce the babysitter to your children.
The children need to see that this is not a stranger, but a friend of Mommy and Daddy that they can trust.
Encourage rapport and conversation, and observe how they get along before you leave.
Then, remind the babysitter what time you will arrive back home, and at what numbers she can reach you.
If possible, give her a list of emergency numbers- the fire department, police department, hospital or ambulance, and contact numbers of nearby relatives if you are unable to go home immediately.

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