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Food & Drink : Health & Medical

The Hazards Of Eating Sushi

Nigiri. Maki. Sashimi. If you are one of the millions of Americans who have jumped on the sushi bandwagon, then you know exactly what these Japanese delicacies are....More...

How to Blanch Large Amounts of Almonds

While it may sound complicated to blanch almonds, the name is truly more extravagant than the actual preparation process. Whether you have handful or an entire bushel of almonds to blanch, you can get through the entire lot in no time by following some simple instructions. The easy blanching procedu...More...

Beverage Packages For Your Parties

Party planning is something that needs careful thinking out so you don't miss out on any aspect and the party is a success with your guests or clients. A party is one of the best ways for corporate people to further business relations and create a favorable impression on potential clients. For ...More...

Amazing Ways to Use Lemons

When life gives you lemons, lemonade is only the beginning of what you can make and do. Lemons are truly amazing and versatile little packages. They give zest to fish and other dishes, to drinks and to desserts. But they are also extremely handy things to have around the house for cleaning, disinfec...More...

How to Reheat in Food Saver Bags

The FoodSaver system vacuum seals foods for extended freezer or refrigerator storage by extracting air and moisture. Without them, your foods last longer and are protected from freezer burn. FoodSaver's primary use is to store leftovers because you cannot cook raw foods in the bags. Reheating is eas...More...

Tips for Purchasing Lobster Tails

If you are planning out a nice dinner or you want to enjoy a tasty treat with the family, lobster tails are definitely a wonderful treat. No doubt, you want to ensure that they taste amazing, which means you need to purchase the best possible lobster tails that you can afford to purchase. Often they...More...

How to Thicken Pepper Steak Sauce

When it comes to food, everyone can be a critic. To some people, a sauce just doesn’t cut it unless it oozes, not drips, through the tines of a fork. So if one of your favorite food critics is ready to sit down to your famous pepper steak dinner, and you know he likes a thick sauce, make sure ...More...

Easy Ways to Cook Rib Eyes Without a Grill or Broiler

The difference between a steak that you eat and one that you remember eating comes down to juiciness, flavor and cooking method. Ribeye steak is highly marbled with fat and is best cooked at high heat. Grilling and broiling are common methods to prepare ribeye steak, but those methods are not always...More...

Cook with the Best with Satellite TV

While some people might think that watching television is a mindless, passive, even lazy pastime, there are many people who are actually using their televisions to do stimulating, more interactive activities everyday. Of course, no ... ...More...

How to Take Gas Out of Pinto Beans

Pinto beans often are used in chili recipes and spicy dishes. Pink beans and red beans are similar in flavor as pinto beans, and these three beans are interchangeable in most recipes. Beans are difficult to digest if they are not properly softened before consuming. Soaking pinto beans will soften th...More...

Restaurants - All You Can Eat

Ever been to an all you can eat restaurant?Well, if not, sit back and we'll take you through a tour of what you can expect to find at one and how they operate....More...

How to Make a Simple Syrup for Whiskey Sours

Simple sugar is a blend of water and sugar added to liquor to sweeten the taste. Because whiskey sours are served cold, sugar can not be directly added to the drink. If it was, the sugar would fall to the bottom of the glass, giving the whiskey sour an odd taste and texture. It is not necessary to k...More...

Grilled Shrimp Recipes & Marinades

Five Quick Grilled Shrimp Recipe MarinadesIt's hard to beat cooking shrimp when you have the need for a quick meal that looks like you invested half your day to cook it.Here are a few of my favorites when I'm in a pinch....More...

Video: How to Cut Corn Off the Cob Without a Corn Cutter

Video Transcript Hi, I'm Marla Mendelsohn, and today I'm going to cut corn off the cob, a much easier way to eat corn. All you need is the corn, a knife and an angel food pan. What you'll do is you'll take all of the silks, all of the husks off of the corn until you have a very clean......More...