How To Cure “INDIGESTION†By Prevention!
Millions of people worldwide are affected by this common stomach discomfort. Indigestion has a variety of presentation that can go from stomach acidity, nausea, belching, bloating and distention€¦.to a more threatening medical problems, such as peptic esophagitis, gallstones and stomach cancer.
The most common cause of gastrointestinal distress is heartburn, known also as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The majority of people has experienced at least once in a lifetime a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Often it's accompanied by a rush of highly acidic fluid into the back of the throat, leaving and unpleasant burning sensation there as well. Reflux occurs when the movement of food and digestive juices in the digestive tract causes stomach acid to back up in the esophagus.
Reflux may also arise from defects in the esophageal sphincter, which may be caused by a hiatal hernia. Other possible reflux triggers include€¦
Caffeine and nicotine. Known to trigger elevation of gastric acid and consequently the development of indigestion.
Foods high in saturated fat. Fats are hard to digest, so it will stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates and proteins.
Alcohol consumption. While it doesn't induce reflux directly, it can cause irritation, edema and an inflammatory response of the stomach lining.
Peptic ulcers. Scars tissue from duodenal or peptic ulcers in the past sometimes obstructs the passage of food to the stomach.
Diabetes Mellitus and infections by some virus. They interfere with stomach motility by several mechanisms, including direct injury to nerves leading to the stomach to encouragement of overgrowth of intestinal bacteria.
Untreated reflux can cause chronic inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), a serious disorder marked by hoarseness, bleeding, pain, scarring, difficulty swallowing, nausea and frequent awakening at night.
Another Common Complaint
Non ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) is another common stomach medical condition of unknown origin. It is characterized by a gnawing stomach pain, nausea and vague acidity. This medical condition often can simulate the symptoms of those of a peptic ulcer, although the stomach does not present any abnormality.
Sometimes NUD is marked more by a feeling that the stomach is not emptying quickly enough, allowing food to linger too long, leading to fullness, swelling and gassiness. Usually the abdominal discomfort begin well before the person finish eating or they may present up to two hours later.
Preventive Approaches
While many of the over-the-counter antacids are often helpful in alleviating the symptoms, it is better to prevent the development of indigestion by taking the following prevention strategies.
Eat at least three well proportionate meals a day. Or better yet, eat several small light meals during the day every three hours. The worst thing you can do is to skip breakfast or lunch hoping to eat more in the evening. By following this simple strategy it will not only prevent most of the symptoms but it will keep you energized all day long, stimulate your body to break body fat and prevent you from craving junk food.
Lying down immediately after a meal is forbidden.
This position is an open invitation for acid reflux to wreck your entire night. So refrain yourself from eating late-night snacks and taking siestas during the day. If you must sleep immediately after eating, use several pillows under your head, insert a foam wedge under you mattress to keep you chest elevated.
Do as much as you can to prevent constipation. Aim to have at least two bowel movements a day; elimination of this condition alone will bring a whole array of health benefits not only to your stomach but to the rest of the organs in the body. Eat fiber-rich foods, drink plenty fluids, exercise regularly, avoid tight belts or girdles and lose weight.
Eliminate from your diet process, fry and highly spicy foods. The most troublemakers are curries, Szechuan dishes and chili powder. Especially if you have indigestion in the past with such foods.
Beyond self-help
If your stomach discomfort persists despite all these measures, seek professional help. These could signify a more serious medical condition than simple indigestion. To assist your doctor achieve an accurate diagnosis; prepare a detailed list of symptoms, onset, duration, triggering factors and circumstances.
Jose V Coba MD MPH
The most common cause of gastrointestinal distress is heartburn, known also as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). The majority of people has experienced at least once in a lifetime a burning sensation in the middle of the chest. Often it's accompanied by a rush of highly acidic fluid into the back of the throat, leaving and unpleasant burning sensation there as well. Reflux occurs when the movement of food and digestive juices in the digestive tract causes stomach acid to back up in the esophagus.
Reflux may also arise from defects in the esophageal sphincter, which may be caused by a hiatal hernia. Other possible reflux triggers include€¦
Caffeine and nicotine. Known to trigger elevation of gastric acid and consequently the development of indigestion.
Foods high in saturated fat. Fats are hard to digest, so it will stay in the stomach longer than carbohydrates and proteins.
Alcohol consumption. While it doesn't induce reflux directly, it can cause irritation, edema and an inflammatory response of the stomach lining.
Peptic ulcers. Scars tissue from duodenal or peptic ulcers in the past sometimes obstructs the passage of food to the stomach.
Diabetes Mellitus and infections by some virus. They interfere with stomach motility by several mechanisms, including direct injury to nerves leading to the stomach to encouragement of overgrowth of intestinal bacteria.
Untreated reflux can cause chronic inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis), a serious disorder marked by hoarseness, bleeding, pain, scarring, difficulty swallowing, nausea and frequent awakening at night.
Another Common Complaint
Non ulcer dyspepsia (NUD) is another common stomach medical condition of unknown origin. It is characterized by a gnawing stomach pain, nausea and vague acidity. This medical condition often can simulate the symptoms of those of a peptic ulcer, although the stomach does not present any abnormality.
Sometimes NUD is marked more by a feeling that the stomach is not emptying quickly enough, allowing food to linger too long, leading to fullness, swelling and gassiness. Usually the abdominal discomfort begin well before the person finish eating or they may present up to two hours later.
Preventive Approaches
While many of the over-the-counter antacids are often helpful in alleviating the symptoms, it is better to prevent the development of indigestion by taking the following prevention strategies.
Eat at least three well proportionate meals a day. Or better yet, eat several small light meals during the day every three hours. The worst thing you can do is to skip breakfast or lunch hoping to eat more in the evening. By following this simple strategy it will not only prevent most of the symptoms but it will keep you energized all day long, stimulate your body to break body fat and prevent you from craving junk food.
Lying down immediately after a meal is forbidden.
This position is an open invitation for acid reflux to wreck your entire night. So refrain yourself from eating late-night snacks and taking siestas during the day. If you must sleep immediately after eating, use several pillows under your head, insert a foam wedge under you mattress to keep you chest elevated.
Do as much as you can to prevent constipation. Aim to have at least two bowel movements a day; elimination of this condition alone will bring a whole array of health benefits not only to your stomach but to the rest of the organs in the body. Eat fiber-rich foods, drink plenty fluids, exercise regularly, avoid tight belts or girdles and lose weight.
Eliminate from your diet process, fry and highly spicy foods. The most troublemakers are curries, Szechuan dishes and chili powder. Especially if you have indigestion in the past with such foods.
Beyond self-help
If your stomach discomfort persists despite all these measures, seek professional help. These could signify a more serious medical condition than simple indigestion. To assist your doctor achieve an accurate diagnosis; prepare a detailed list of symptoms, onset, duration, triggering factors and circumstances.
Jose V Coba MD MPH