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All About Herpes and Its Natural Remedies

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Herpes is a general term that refers to some double stranded DNA virus that is sexually transmitted. The virus is called herpes simplex virus or HSV or the type 2 known as the human herpesvirus2 (HHV2). Both HSV-1 AND HSV-2the type of viruses are closely related to each other. Both the viruses are a part of the eight member family of the herpes viruses. These are capable of affecting the human bodies with a big variety of diseases. The illness may range between the cold sores to chickenpox to brain infection or encephalitis all the way to distinct varieties of cancers.
In some places, most of the significant medical centers, discuss the incidences if herpes or HSV-1 which generally comprises of cold sores and is present in 50 to 80 present of people of various regions. On the other hand, the genital herpes or the HSV-2 is estimated to affect 25 to 30 percent of one fourth of the adult population of some places. Presently, cure for herpes is still not available. Eradication of the HSV virus from the body is still not possible. The non-prescript analgesics are capable of reducing the fever and pain that accompanies this virus in its early stage of development. Since there are a lot of people who keep searching for the natural herpes treatment, it has now become a necessity as more and more people are becoming a victim of this very virus. Since, medication is neither available nor it is being found even after researches and scientific discoveries, for obvious reasons, people have started experimenting with some of the natural remedies at hand.
Yes, some natural and common remedies are known to help the herpes patientsâEUR(TM). Moreover, one of the best reasons for opting for herpes treatment natural is that these do not accompany any kind of side-effects with them. However, people who fear such conditions like that of herpes should always have a backup. That is they must be prepared with either two or more natural remedies at hand. Here are a few natural remedies for helping the herpes patients.
1. Silica gel: the silica gel is said to be very soothing as well as effective for people at the time of outbreak. People can keep it in their refrigerators in order to have a better cooling effect. The silica gel that is organic in nature is quite popular as well.
2. Oil from tea tree: this particular oil is known for its natural antiseptic values which also has good antiviral properties. Herpes being a virus disease is capable of being cured with the oil from tea tree, proving one of the common herpes natural treatments.
3. Bitter melonâEUR(TM)s juice: juice extracts from a bitter melon if consumed on daily basis for a minimum of four to five weeks can help the herpes sufferers. The juice is said to have antibiotic properties which are known to kill the viruses. However, the people who have a history of HIV or infections like that of liver are not advised to use this particular treatment..

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