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Darvocet And Heart Problems

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There are various reasons as to why the Darvocet Recall happened, one being health related issues, especially to the heart. Since it contains acetaminophen and Propoxyphene, this could alter the way the heart functions, when it sends out electrical impulses. With such an alteration, the consequences can be fatal and unimaginable. Most customers complain of heart palpitations, irregular heart beats and even poor immunity as well. It was thus in the year 2010, November, when the FDA along with Xanodyne placed a ban on the drug and warned doctors and pharmacies across the nation, not to recommend the drug, at any cost. Ever since there have been a number of Darvocet Lawsuits filed against the manufacturer and till date it grows in leaps and bounds.

Most consumers who used the painkiller suffered with heart issues and it was in 2010, when reports confirmed that Xanodyne was asked to put a stop to this menace by applying the Darvocet recall. The Recall was put into place, since many customers complained about the complications post usage and some sadly never lived to tell the tale. But their near and dear ones, haven't taken it lightly, they have engaged reliable lawyers to battle for Darvocet Lawsuits filed by them.

When Xanodyne agreed on Darvocet Recall even other drug makers that made or even marketed Darvocet and Darvon to the pharmacies shut their shops.  The FDA was strict with this mandate across the country, because of the growing number of customers who noticed a rise in problems of the heart issues, ever since they consumed the drug.  Darvocet was for pain relief measures, but it caused more harm than good.  Experts with Darvocet lawsuits say "It is important for you to know your rights, and if you have faced the same, get in touch now with a genuine Darvocet Lawyerand seek compensation"

As soon as the Darvocet Recall happened which was in November 2010, the federal courts were filled more lawsuits. The numbers have increased in 2011; sadly most customers have never been able to live to tell us the tale and their woes. The public is now well informed, thanks to the media and the internet. Information is no more hidden and litigation tsunamis are expected, Darvocet Lawsuits are still happening, people want an answer as to why the company was allowed to let their medicines in the market without adequate guidelines and dosage guidance on them?

Darvocet Lawsuit experts say that the drug is a combined dose of acetaminophen and propoxyphene, the latter is a part of narcotic substance, publicly known as the opioid analgesics, which help bring down pains. This is because the brains perception towards the pain is altered and hence the senses don't react that much. Remember, little knowledge is too dangerous and you should do your own research and speak to Darvocet Recall experts for the same, their word would definitely be precedent over what is written here or elsewhere online, good luck folks!

If you need any further info on Darvocet recall or on Darvocet lawsuit click on the links to learn more.

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