What Are Watery Vegetables?
- Fruit or vegetable?Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Before you can determine if a vegetable is watery you must define vegetable. A classic example is the tomato. Is it a vegetable or a fruit? The answer matters, because tomatoes are almost all water, containing 97 percent. So if a tomato is a vegetable, it tops the list. The Oxford Dictionaries provide an answer: The tomato is the fruit of the tomato plant but in cooking it is used as a vegetable. So if you desire a watery vegetable, or fruit, to be technical, then the tomato is your best choice. The cooking definition is used here, because when most people use the word vegetable they are referring to food that is cooked. - The definition of a watery vegetable is cucumber.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Cucumbers rank next among watery vegetables with 96 percent, although they fall into the same fruit/vegetable category as tomatoes. Eat them raw in a salad and you will appreciate their watery content. Plant cucumbers in the warm spring soil after the last frost of the winter season. Harvest the cucumber before its seeds harden. It should be a uniform green color that is firm to the touch and crisp. Never allow them to turn yellow. - The true summer watery treat is watermelon.Jupiterimages/Photos.com/Getty Images
Another item with 93 percent water can be verified by anyone who has eaten a watermelon on a hot summer day. The University of Illinois Extension lists watermelons on its vegetable directory, saying it is a tender warm-season vegetable. Watermelons that are ripe and ready for picking exhibit the following signs: green tendrils at point of attachment turn brown, surface color turns dull, skin is resistant to penetration and rough to the touch and he bottom of the melon turns from light green to yellow. - Other watery vegetables include zucchini and celery, both with a percentage of 95. Green cabbage has slightly less water with a percentage of 93. For cauliflower and carrots, the number drops to 92, while red bell peppers and broccoli complete the list at 91 percent.
Other Watery Vegetables