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The Link Between Eczema and Diet

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We've all read the very sad stories of cases such as a young girl who is terribly allergic to peanuts dying after kissing her boyfriend, who had just eaten a Snickers bar with peanuts in it, or a person with a corn allergy who goes into anaphylactic shock and dies after unknowingly eating something with just a minute amount of corn in it.
Food allergies, from deadly severe to very mild are well documented.
It is also well documented that food allergies can manifest in some people as eczema.
Let's say you have eczema and you know that you are allergic to tomatoes, so you eliminate tomatoes from your diet, but your eczema doesn't improve, or maybe improves just a little bit.
What's going on here? The obvious answer is that you are probably allergic to more than tomatoes.
Okay, so you get a battery of allergy tests and eliminate all of the allergens you tested positive for from your diet.
Your eczema still doesn't improve much.
What's the dang deal? It's possible that you are allergic to external elements, such as pet dander, molds, or pollens, but those would have also shown up in your allergy tests and you would have taken steps to eliminate them to the maximum extent possible, yet your eczema still flares up.
You could still have undetected food allergies, but at a much more subtle, systemic level.
The vast majority of the produce we eat is sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and artificial fertilizers.
Most of the cattle that produce the beef we eat have been treated with bovine growth hormones.
The cattle, pigs, chickens, turkeys, and farm-raised fish are given high doses of antibiotics to keep disease in check.
These chemicals don't magically disappear when the animals are processed or the produce harvested; they aren't rendered inert.
You consume them, in small quantities to be sure, but year after year, they can build up in your body.
Look at the ingredients on some of the processed foods you eat.
They contain artificial ingredients with very long, very unpronounceable names, and they also build up in your body over time.
If your eczema hasn't improved after removing the obvious allergens from your diet, chances are very good that you are allergic to one or more of the host of toxins that have built up in your body.
It would be prohibitively expensive in terms of time and money to try to identify every toxin in your body and then test for an allergy to them.
What can you do? Eat organic.
Organic foods don't contain the toxins mentioned earlier.
Yes, they are more expensive than non-organic foods, but what is the price of your health? You might also consider doing a cleanse to start eliminating the toxins from your body.
Talk to your health care provider to determine your best course of action.
The link between eczema and diet is often very subtle, but you can moderate or even eliminate your eczema symptoms if you begin with some of the steps outlined here.

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