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Avoiding Premature Aging Skin, Dark Circles & Baggy Eyes

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Many people go through life accepting the changes that come as we grow older.
While it's true growing older is inevitable, looking older is not.
Many do not realise that their appearance and therefore their feelings and attitudes could dramatically change for the better -if only they would invest in themselves.
It's really simple to do once you know a few little secrets.
The reassuring fact is that you do have a great deal of control over how young you look and feel.
If you have a devil may care attitude to skin care then perhaps now is an opportunity for you to think again, invest in yourself, the way you look and feel, it's never too late and just think tomorrow or in years to come when you look in the mirror you might well think back and be glad that you did.
When it comes to the way you look, around 80% of the cause of premature ageing skin, lines, wrinkles, dark circles under eyes and bags under eyes all boil down in the end to the effects that environmental factors have on our skin.
Those UV rays, air pollution, the ozone and cigarette smoke all create those free radicals (highly reactive molecules) to attack the skin's cells and tissues.
These free radicals damage molecules called lipids that act as structural components of cell membranes, they cause inflammation that leads to cell structures breaking down and becoming inefficient with regard to the natural renewal process.
The main cell structure of the skin is made up of collagen.
Collagen has great tensile strength as the fibres contain elastin that provides elasticity and "snap back" in healthy looking skin.
Collagen therefore is responsible for skin strength and elasticity, and its degradation will lead to lines and wrinkles that accompany premature aging skin.
Antioxidants are molecules that deactivate the free radicals, breaking the chain reaction before damage occurs.
The good news is that if you eat a sensible diet you can slow down the damage that can be caused by free radicals.
Antioxidants are found in varying amounts in foods such as vegetables, fruits, grain cereals, legumes and nuts oatmeal, garlic, skin less chicken, eggs, salmon, tuna and wheat germ.
Some antioxidants however, can be destroyed by long-term storage or prolonged cooking and it is worth noting that processed foods contain less antioxidants than fresh and uncooked foods.
Boosting your body's defense mechanism with adequate amounts of natural antioxidants can not only protect your skin but can also reduce the chances of serious illness and disease.
Beware of sugar it can have damaging effects on collagen fibres.
Sugar bonds itself to collagen and the fibres become stiff and lose their elasticity and we already know that inflexible collagen means the formation of lines and wrinkles.
It is a fact that you hold the keys to better skin and in turn a better more youthful appearance.
The outward signs of aging can be slowed down and diminished; our skin can look healthier and more vibrant simply by keeping out of the harmful rays of the sun, by stopping smoking and by maintaining a sensible approach to the foods that you eat..
The basic foundations of a sensible skincare regimen.

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