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Premature Ejaculation - Too Scared to Have Sex

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Premature ejaculation is a common problem but there are people in the world who will actually avoid sexual encounters to avoid their problem being discovered.
Don't worry; there are ways to prevent premature ejaculation and they are completely painless.
Men are easily embarrassed when it comes to any kind of defect which occurs below the waist, but now you don't have to discuss it with anyone and it's absolutely confidential.
There are obviously worse things in the world than not being able to perform to the extent that your partner wants, but when you suffer from this it really doesn't seem like it.
after a few tries at impressing women in the bedroom, I really wished the ground would open up and swallow me whole.
There are occasions in every mans life when he climaxes before he wishes to but when it starts happening repeatedly you need to realize that you have a problem.
I don't know what I expected to find when I was looking for ways to prevent premature ejaculation, I suppose in the back of my mind I was hoping for a magic pill, it's not that simple but it is easy.
Premature ejaculation can be cured with exercise which you can do at home, out walking or even sat in an office.
No! Not all of these exercises need you to expose your penis, they exercise the muscles around it which in turn builds your control.
Think of when you urinate, if you stop urinating in mid flow and do this 3 or 4 times every time you go to the bathroom it actually starts to build up some of the muscles which are used during sex.
There are a range of exercises which can be done to increase muscle control, this is of course only part of the cure.
The second part of the cure is in your head, you need to think back to when the problem started and start to fix it from there.
All of the techniques which are used (by me too) work due to the combination, you can't just do half of the exercises.

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