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How To Treat A Boil Safely And Naturally: Four Ways To Ease The Pain

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Suffering from boils? You are not alone! Since the first plagues raged, people have seen boils spread and worked on solutions to stop the pain and swelling.
Over the centuries, it has become clear what really works.
Find out how to treat a boil with four techniques in this article.
Warm Compresses
Boils need to be 'brought to a head' so that they can burst and drain.
The only way a boil is going to go away is if the infectious material is released, so this is a necessary step in moving through the life cycle of a boil.
Take a washcloth and soak it in hot water.
If you happen to have tea tree oil in the house, put a few drops in the water to help fight infection.
Apply the compress to the infected area, holding it steady but not pressing too hard.
This will help bring blood to the surface of the skin, speeding the fight and encouraging drainage.
Place the washcloth in a separate bag from your regular laundry, and bleach it when you wash it (separate from the rest of the family's laundry.
) to avoid spreading the infection.
Avoid Coffee, Tea, or Soda
Caffeinated drinks, sugar- or starch-laden foods and pastries all contribute to inflamed skin.
It's a good idea to avoid all of these as much as possible when you are experiencing a boil, and even when you are not if you are susceptible to them.
Try Fasting
Consult your doctor before trying this one.
Many natural health practitioners advise that how to treat a boil most effectively is to get to the root of the issue: toxins in the body.
By eating only raw fruits and vegetables for three to five days, you can force your body to purge the toxins.
Others recommend just natural fruit juices and water for the same purpose.
Apply Homeopathic Remedies
There are several homeopathic remedies that will treat the symptoms and give you very fast relief.
Some to look for:
  • Echinacea, long known for its ability to boost the immune system and fight infections in the blood.
  • Sulphate of calcium, especially good for recurring boils, an excellent remedy.
  • Hepar Sulphur, which eases skin sensitivity.
If you'd like even more suggestions for how to treat a boil, visit my website.
There I show you more causes and ways to treat boils, and give you the names of homeopathic products that you can order to help treat your symptoms.

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