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Ingredients of Age Defying Cream

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Age defying creams is very popular in women today.
Most of them are using this kind of cream to rejuvenate the skin back to its youthful looks.
We then ask what ingredients make the age defying cream work.
Actually, there are five known ingredients that would make the product work.
Most of these ingredients are natural and safe to be use on our skin.
The ingredients are: Peptides- This is a very powerful ingredient that would help boost the production of collagen in our body.
Collagen is a body element that would maintain the firmness and thickness of our skin.
Our body produces a right amount of collagen to maintain the health of our skin cells in order for it not to have wrinkles.
However, as we age the production of collagen decreases thus forming wrinkles and fine lines.
Peptides will help our body to produce the right amount of collagen in order to reduce wrinkles and fine lines and if lucky eliminate them.
Hyaluronic Acid - Hyaluronic acid is well known to be nature's best moisturizer.
Some of surgical procedures to defy age would use this, injecting it in the skin with wrinkles and within hours the skin would be smoothen with the wrinkles and fine lines gone.
On the other hand, as an ingredient, it will moisturize the skin and keeps the collagen hydrated and healthy while doing the work of repairing the skin wrinkles and fine lines.
One known good side effect of this ingredient is upon application, plumpness of the skin will take place.
BV-OSC - Also known as upgraded vitamin C or ascorbic acid.
This ingredient does the reversing and preventing damage done by free radicals to the skin.
This is also a vital ingredient in brightening the complexion of the skin, giving it a youthful glow.
This will also protect the skin from the suns UV rays, avoiding more damage in it.
Black Tea Ferment - I f the goal is to have achieved youthful radiance and natural glow, this ingredient does the work.
This will increase the glow and brightness of the skin upon application.
Green Tea - It is known that green tea is for drinking.
But when this is added as an ingredient to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines on the skin, this ingredient is very effective.
Like other ingredients, this is very effective in eliminating free radicals that would cause damage to the skin.
Other than that, it is a very good anti oxidant and sunscreen to protect the skin from the damage that will be caused in too much exposure from the sun's UV rays.
These are the five most known ingredients that would help age defying creams rejuvenate the skin back to its youthful glow and radiance.

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