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How To Properly Seal And Store Meat Products

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If you've ever processed your own beef or venison at home, then you know understand how important it is to be able to preserve that meat as best as possible.  If you don't have the proper steps in place to store the meat safely and securely, then all of the effort you put towards processing the meat will have been wasted and you'll be left with nothing to show for it.

The first step in being able to get the meat sealed and stored properly deals with the way that they meat is cut up and prepared for storage.  It is important that the meat is cleaned thoroughly and that there is absolutely no foreign matter (hair, fat, etc.) left on the meat that you are going to seal and store.  This will ensure that there is no resulting contamination or wasting of the meat while it is being stored in your freezer.

When you're sure that you've got the meat cleaned to perfection, then it is ready to be sealed away in plastic packaging and stored in the freezer.  Place the meat in individual packages that are big enough to hold a good amount of meat, but not so big that the sealer will not be able to seal the bag properly.  It might be a good idea to have your bags pre-cut and ready to go before you begin dividing the meat up and sealing it.  You can also purchase packs of bags that are ready to go without having to cut them.

As you go through and seal the meat in it's own individual packages, be sure to check it for any dirt or debris that you may have missed during your initial scan for these items.  Doing this will ensure that you have the cleanest and most sanitary product going into your freezer.  When you have a package sealed, then you can put it right into the freezer.  Make sure that you leave enough room for the package to be able to freeze properly when you do put it in the freezer.  If you overload the freezer, then your items may not freeze properly.

When you have successfully packaged all of the meat and gotten it all in the freezer, simply clean up your tools and work area and then you're done.  If you do have leftover meat that still needs to be processed buy you simply ran out of time, be sure to wrap it in plastic and then store it in the refrigerator until the next day when you have time.  Don't let it sit any longer than a day or two because you run the risk of the meat getting contaminated.  Seal and store it as soon as you can.


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