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Wrote Twenty Five Years Ago Hippocrates

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them so we have I like elliptical machines www if you look at the new presort where you're floating in the air this is a no fortress low stress aerobic exercise that when we get people to inhale oxygen when their heating their body temperature their core temperature up with it it's about the same detoxification less by fifteen percent seventeen point two percent to be exact as you would get in an infrared sauna response it's approximately the same as you get in the finished dot sane you and I ought to describe the difference term all type of saunas heat you from the outside it's like an oven wiki the infrared sauna heats yourself
from the inside out and one thing I learned I was if I was naive to this is what I went to rip out the old sane and mike sonar room a knowledgeable person said why do that leave the old sonic in and the new sane and you'll probably spike the temperature by another one half a degree to three quarters of one degree both are better but you don't have to have both at least infrared plus infrared freestanding saunas today or four double there's hardly anyone listening today that shouldn't consider if you have the room putting one of those and for your family and yourself so there is a comparison that we can make uh... on the major fan uh... you may be a runner I don't know sorry are you Susie face anybody for four or forty years retributive realizes I've grown in my journey health threat that cardio is not a said the best way to exercise
their the profits the pride better ways like high-intensity aerobic and strength training session yet let me let me tell you I have the poor people come in here they did everything right I'm mean you know they're like saints eight fright food they that but the rayon even with five hundred dollar shoes and they're here with cracked and arthritic conditions and so that's why I don't like that so much but let's not labor over that uh... another thing is let's talk about other methods that are well-known how bout whirlpools well a little book I wrote Absolute Garcinia twenty five years ago Hippocrates health program I described the differences between whirlpools Jacuzzi sustained thing uh... steamed ass and sonnets I just described the song as team bath by the way takes care of water-based organs so we have long problems kidney problems bladder problems and especially if you can put a sensual oils into.

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