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Choosing Tanning Lotion

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When you can't hit the beach, but want to maintain that perfect tan, what do you do? Well, I reach for my tanning lotion and do it myself at home.
Thanks to modern technology, lotions are everywhere.
Tanning lotions are less dangerous than the sun's rays because lotions don't cause skin cancer or sunburns.
They're also more convenient than going all the way to the beach.
So, many people rely on them for that great bronze look to their skin.
The reason that tanning lotions work is that they contain a sugar called DHA.
DHA is a completely healthy and safe sugar, unlike UV rays that come from the sun, which aren't safe at all.
The DHA just bonds with dead skin cells near or on the skin's surface and changes their color.
That's all.
Tanning lotions fade after a few days, but they also work almost immediately.
So, they're great for preparing for a last minute pool party.
Within an hour or so you can look like you spent hours at the salon or the beach.
If you want to maintain the look, you just have to reapply the lotion every few days.
It's that simple.
One thing that isn't simple, though, is picking a tanning lotion.
Luckily, the Internet is there to help you.
Just log on and do some research to find lotions with positive reviews.
You might even find that you can buy them at a discount online, too.
So, it's a great place to start on the road to tanned skin.

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