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Cooking Time for Trash Can Turkeys

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    Prepare the turkey

    • Turkey should always be prepped the same way no matter which way you're cooking it: remove the giblets bag and the turkey neck and wash the turkey inside and out with warm water before patting it dry with paper towels. At this point you can season the turkey as well, making sure to get the seasoning generously on the outside and on the inside.

    Prepare the can and area

    • You'll want to choose an area in your yard, preferably with damp grass or prepared with bricks to prevent the ground from burning. Just remember that it is going to kill the grass where the heat is applied. Pound a wooden stake into the ground so about eight inches of it sits above the dirt. Wrap the stake in aluminum foil.
      Always wash out your trash can--and never use one that held trash or any unsanitary items.
      Make sure the ground around where the stake is is completely covered with aluminum foil. This is where the trash can will sit--over the stake--and the charcoal will go.

    Cook the turkey

    • The turkey will go on the stake, with the legs pointing down, and then the garbage can will be inverted over the top of the turkey. Pile charcoal on top of the can and around the can. Make sure the charcoal on the sides is snug up against the can and rises about six inches high. You'll want to light the charcoal---feel free to use fluid as a starter---and let it completely ash over.
      According to the, cooking times are much quicker with a trash can than they are in an oven or on a grill. A turkey should only cook for five or six minutes per pound before it is done.
      Carefully remove the charcoal with a shovel or a metal dustpan and then lift the trash can with heavy gloves.
      The only way to verify that a turkey is cooked all the way is to check with a meat thermometer to make sure it is cooked to 165 degrees.
      You should let it sit for about 15 to 20 minutes before cutting into the meat, which will maximize the juiciness.


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