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Parental DNA testing: The new wave of science

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DNA is the material that governs inheritance of eye color, hair color, stature, bone density and many other human and animal traits. DNA is a long, but narrow string-like object. We know that human beings have a unique DNA pattern which a person inherits from his biological parents. An offspring's DNA is similar to his parents' DNA in terms of the molecular structure and genetic code. Because of these similarities the DNA paternity test can be carried out to test and conclusively determine the biological kinship. Most of the time these types of DNA tests are 99.99% correct. Generally, maternity testing is not used. At present, parental DNA testing is the most advanced and correct technology to verify the parentage.

DNA paternity testing is now generally used for scientific purposes, to settle on paternity concerns or to settle legal disputes. Typically, DNA from the supposed parents and the child are vital for DNA paternity testing. During the test, samples are collected from the required persons. Once the DNA samples are assembled, the genetic markers are compared to one another. First, the DNA from a child is compared to the DNA of a mother. The similar structures and codes matching with the DNA of the mother are detached from the sample of the child. The left over segments are then compared to the father's DNA. A person who shares paternal DNA markers with the child is established to be the father. In case the DNA markers do not match, then it proves that the concerned individual is not the child's father.

There are many ways for DNA Paternity Testing. Formerly, ABO Blood Group Typing and HLA (Human Leukocyte Antigens) Testing were mostly used to settle on paternity. Paternity testing is very certain and dependable.

All countries around the world have diverse rules and regulations about paternity DNA testing. In a bulk of cases, it is not legal to carry out a DNA paternity test without the prior permission of the individuals involved.  

Study of DNA can also be used for forensic DNA test. The study of biological evidence such as DNA in criminal cases is known as forensic DNA test. The process is not that much complicated as two samples are being used - one is from a suspect and another one is from the scene of a crime. The samples can be skin tissue, hair, blood, semen, vaginal fluid or anything else containing cells in it. The two samples do not have to be the same material. Then, the DNA of both the samples are extracted, studied, and compared. In the late 1980s the technique was first used. Several factors influence the process to get the DNA testing results.

If the DNA matches, then would prove that a suspect was at the scene of the crime. DNA identification can be pretty effective if it is used wisely. As the groundwork includes matching of base pair sequences, forensic DNA testing takes normally several weeks. This type of test is mostly accurate with almost a 100% success ratio. DNA tests can be the most correct piece of scientific proof for a lawyer to fight for in a case.

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